Visigoths in Spain
  • 1. Who were the Visigoths?
A) A Slavic tribe
B) A Germanic tribe
C) A Celtic tribe
D) A Roman family
  • 2. What was the capital of the Visigothic Kingdom in Spain?
A) Toledo
B) Madrid
C) Barcelona
D) Seville
  • 3. Who was the Visigothic king who converted to Catholicism?
A) Leovigild
B) Reccared I
C) Alaric II
D) Euric
  • 4. Which event marked the end of Visigothic rule in Spain?
A) Battle of Tours
B) Treaty of Verdun
C) Battle of Guadalete
D) Sack of Rome
  • 5. Who was the Visigothic king responsible for the first law code in Spain?
A) Reccared I
B) Euric
C) Leovigild
D) Alaric II
  • 6. What was the name of the Visigothic noble who collaborated with the Moors to overthrow the last Visigothic king?
A) Count Julian
B) Theodoric
C) Wamba
D) Athanagild
  • 7. Which Roman general led the Visigoths in the Battle of Adrianople?
A) Athaulf
B) Alaric I
C) Theodoric Strabo
D) Fritigern
  • 8. Which Visigothic king constructed the Church of San Juan de BaƱos in Spain?
A) Recceswinth
B) Wamba
C) Recared
D) Roderic
  • 9. Which Roman emperor granted land in Aquitania to the Visigoths in 418 AD?
A) Theodosius I
B) Honorius
C) Constantine
D) Julian
  • 10. Which pope conferred the title of 'Most Christian King' on the Visigothic king Reccared I?
A) Gregory I
B) Leo I
C) Damasus I
D) Innocent I
  • 11. How did the Visigoths come to Spain?
A) Invaded and settled
B) Arrived as traders
C) Conquered peacefully
D) Came as diplomats
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