Lady Jane Grey briefly made Queen by Earl of Northumberland
  • 1. When was Lady Jane Grey briefly made Queen by the Earl of Northumberland?
A) 1545
B) 1553
C) 1582
D) 1560
  • 2. How long did Lady Jane Grey's reign as Queen last?
A) 9 days
B) 1 year
C) 2 months
D) 3 weeks
  • 3. Who was the Earl of Northumberland who orchestrated Lady Jane Grey's ascension to the throne?
A) John Dudley
B) Robert Dudley
C) Thomas Seymour
D) Richard Rich
  • 4. What relation was Lady Jane Grey to King Edward VI, who named her as his heir?
A) Cousin
B) Niece
C) Sister
D) Aunt
  • 5. What was Lady Jane Grey's official title during her brief reign?
A) Queen of England
B) Duchess of York
C) Lady of the Realm
D) Princess of Wales
  • 6. In which year was Lady Jane Grey born?
A) 1525
B) 1550
C) 1537
D) 1542
  • 7. Which of the following religious conflicts greatly influenced Lady Jane Grey's brief reign as Queen?
A) Great Schism
B) Thirty Years' War
C) Protestant Reformation
D) Crusades
  • 8. Who was Lady Jane Grey's mother?
A) Jane Seymour
B) Frances Brandon
C) Anne Boleyn
D) Anne of Cleves
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