Pedro Cabral claims Brazil for Portugal
  • 1. When did Pedro Cabral claim Brazil for Portugal?
A) 1550
B) 1600
C) 1500
D) 1450
  • 2. Who was the explorer that claimed Brazil for Portugal?
A) Christopher Columbus
B) Vasco da Gama
C) Pedro Cabral
D) Ferdinand Magellan
  • 3. What country did Pedro Cabral sail for when claiming Brazil?
A) Spain
B) France
C) Portugal
D) England
  • 4. Who was the reigning monarch of Portugal when Brazil was claimed?
A) Philip II
B) Isabella I
C) Henry the Navigator
D) Manuel I
  • 5. Which indigenous tribe did Cabral and his crew encounter upon arriving in Brazil?
A) Inca
B) Maya
C) Aztec
D) Tupiniquim
  • 6. What was the name of the land Pedro Cabral claimed in Brazil?
A) El Dorado
B) New World
C) Portuguese Empire
D) Vera Cruz
  • 7. Which city did Cabral name upon claiming Brazil?
A) Salvador
B) Porto Seguro
C) Sao Paulo
D) Rio de Janeiro
  • 8. What was the prevailing religion in Portugal at the time of Cabral's expedition?
A) Catholicism
B) Islam
C) Protestantism
D) Judaism
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