  • 1. An organization is a group of individuals coming together to achieve a common goal or purpose. It typically consists of a hierarchy of positions and roles, each contributing to the overall functioning of the group. Organizations can vary in size and structure, ranging from small, informal groups to large, complex corporations. They can exist in various sectors such as business, government, non-profit, and academia. Effective organization is essential for coordination, efficiency, and success in reaching objectives. Communication, leadership, and clear goals are key elements in creating a well-functioning organization.

    What does the 5S methodology focus on in organization?
A) Sorting, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain
B) Skip, Stall, Sheet, Systemize, Succeed
C) Scatter, Save, Simplify, Store, Sell
D) Steam, Serve, Spy, Satisfy, Surpass
  • 2. What does the SWOT analysis tool assess in organizational planning?
A) Success, Wealth, Obstacles, Tactics
B) Speed, Wisdom, Observations, Time
C) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
D) Satisfaction, Work, Orders, Techniques
  • 3. What is the purpose of creating an organizational chart?
A) To hide information
B) To reduce transparency
C) To confuse employees
D) To show the structure of an organization
  • 4. What principle states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes?
A) Pareto principle
B) Einstein's theory of relativity
C) Darwin's evolution theory
D) Newton's third law
  • 5. What is the purpose of establishing clear roles and responsibilities within an organization?
A) To discourage teamwork
B) To create chaos
C) To limit communication
D) To avoid confusion and duplication of efforts
  • 6. What is the significance of feedback in organizational improvement?
A) Discouraging progress
B) Avoiding all criticism
C) Identifying areas for growth and development
D) Praising regardless of performance
  • 7. Which term refers to the process of arranging tasks in order of priority?
A) Negligence
B) Disorganization
C) Prioritization
D) Randomization
  • 8. In organizational context, what does the acronym KPI stand for?
A) Kindly Provide Information
B) Key Performance Indicator
C) Know-How to Perform Inefficiencies
D) Keep People Informed
  • 9. Which approach focuses on continuous improvement within an organization?
A) Stagnation
B) Regress
C) Deterioration
D) Kaizen
  • 10. What is the purpose of creating SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) in an organization?
A) To limit innovation
B) To encourage chaos
C) To confuse employees
D) To ensure consistency and quality in processes
  • 11. What is the goal of lean management in organizational practices?
A) To complicate processes
B) To increase inefficiencies
C) To encourage excess
D) To minimize waste and maximize value
  • 12. Which aspect of organization culture focuses on acknowledging and celebrating achievements?
A) Negativity
B) Recognition
C) Disregard
D) Blame
  • 13. Why is it important for leaders to lead by example in an organization?
A) To set a positive tone and inspire others
B) To ignore responsibilities
C) To create chaos
D) To discourage teamwork
  • 14. What does the acronym CRM stand for in organizational context?
A) Continuous Request for Money
B) Confuse Relationship Matters
C) Commitment to Reduce Mistakes
D) Customer Relationship Management
  • 15. Which term refers to the shared beliefs, values, and norms within an organization?
A) Organizational Response
B) Organizational Behavior
C) Organizational Culture
D) Organizational Development
  • 16. Which term refers to the formal recording and reporting of financial transactions in an organization?
A) Accounting
B) Operations
C) Marketing
D) Human Resources
  • 17. What is a method of problem-solving that involves identifying and analyzing the root cause of issues?
A) Force Field Analysis
B) Root Cause Analysis
C) Gap Analysis
D) SWOT Analysis
  • 18. Which term refers to the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and those of others?
A) Emotional Intelligence
B) Cognitive Dissonance
C) Psychological Safety
D) Behavioral Economics
  • 19. What involves the process of evaluating and improving an organization’s governance, risk management, and control processes?
A) External Audit
B) Internal Audit
C) Financial Audit
D) Performance Audit
  • 20. What is the practice of promoting products, services, or ideas to customers called?
A) Sales
B) Branding
C) Public Relations
D) Marketing
  • 21. What involves the intentional creation of a culture where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated?
A) Employee Satisfaction
B) Employee Empowerment
C) Employee Recognition
D) Employee Engagement
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