Pannenkoeken Houses
  • 1. What is a Pannenkoeken House?
A) A type of museum
B) A traditional dance hall
C) A Dutch pancake restaurant
D) An art gallery
  • 2. In which country are Pannenkoeken Houses most commonly found?
A) Australia
B) Italy
C) Canada
D) The Netherlands
  • 3. How are Pannenkoeken different from American pancakes?
A) They are square-shaped
B) They are deep-fried
C) They are smaller and thicker
D) They are larger and thinner
  • 4. What is the Dutch word for pancake?
A) Bagel
B) Wafel
C) Pannenkoek
D) Frikandel
  • 5. What is a savory Pannenkoek filling?
A) Strawberries and whipped cream
B) Chocolate sauce
C) Maple syrup
D) Ham and cheese
  • 6. What is a sweet dessert Pannenkoek topping?
A) Ketchup
B) Ice cream and chocolate sauce
C) Mustard
D) Mayonnaise
  • 7. In which meal is it common to eat Pannenkoeken in the Netherlands?
A) Breakfast
B) Midnight snack
C) Elevenses
D) Dinner
  • 8. What is the traditional way to eat a Pannenkoek?
A) Dipped in soup
B) Torn into pieces
C) Folded into quarters
D) Rolled up
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