Test -1
  • 1. Who invented OOPs?
A) Andrea Ferro
B) Adele Goldberg
C) bjarne stroustrup
D) Alan Kay
E) Dennis Ritchie
  • 2. Wrapping data and its related functionality into a single entity is known as
A) Polymorphism
B) Inheritance
C) Encapsulation
E) Abstarction
  • 3. What does polymorphism in OOPs mean?
A) Concept of allowing overiding of functions
B) Concept of keeping things in differnt modules/files
C) Concept of wrapping things into a single unit
D) Concept of hiding data
E) A& B
  • 4. Which concept allows you to reuse the written code?
A) Absraction
C) Encapsulation
D) Inheritance
  • 5. How access specifiers in Class helps in Abstraction?
A) They does not helps in any way
C) They allows us to show only required things to outer world
D) Abstraction concept is not used in classes
E) They help in keeping things together
  • 6. C++ is----------
A) both procedural and object oriented programming language
B) Only class oriented
C) Procedural programming language
D) function oriented programming language
E) structured orienred programming language
  • 7. Which is not a feature of OOP in general definitions?
A) Modularity
B) Code reusability
C) Efficient Code
D) Duplicate data
E) Duplicate/Redundant data
  • 8. When OOP concept did first came into picture?
A) 1880's
B) 1960’s
C) 1980's
D) 1970’s
E) 1990's
  • 9. Which header file is required in C++ to use OOP?
A) iostream.h
B) stdio.h
C) A&B
D) stdlib.h
E) OOP can be used without using any header file
  • 10. Why Java is Partially OOP language?
A) it does not allows objects
B) It doesn’t support all types of inheritance
C) It does not support pointers
D) It supports usual declaration of primitive data types
E) It allows code to be written outside classes
  • 11. The feature by which one object can interact with another object is
A) Binding of data
B) Message reading
C) Data Binding
D) Message Passing
E) Data transfer
  • 12. How many types of access specifiers are provided in OOP (C++)?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 1
E) 2
  • 13. In which access should a constructor be defined, so that object of the class can be created in any function?
A) Private
B) Public
C) Protected
D) none of these
E) Public/private
  • 14. The copy constructors can be used to ________
A) Copy an object so that it can be passed to a class
B) Copy an object so that it can be passed to a function
C) copy an object for storing the same value
D) Copy an object for type casting
E) Copy an object so that it can be passed to a function
  • 15. . Comments in C++ are represented by ________
A) '' ''
B) //
C) * *
D) //
E) \\
  • 16. The scope resolution operator (:;) is used to access
A) Local variables
B) none of these
C) Global variables
D) Global variables
E) both global @ Local variables
  • 17. You can use C++ as a procedural, as well as an object-oriented, language
A) nor false
B) neither true
C) true
D) false
E) True
  • 18. cin object is which purpose used
A) both input& output
B) Input
C) Input
D) output
E) none of these
  • 19. iostream is a headerfile section
A) true
B) true
C) neither true
D) nor false
E) false
  • 20. Identify the feature which can be implemented using encapsulation.
A) Abstraction
B) encapsulation
C) Polymorphism
D) Inheritance
E) Absraction
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