Vatican City Art
  • 1. Which famous artist painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City?
A) Giotto
B) Michelangelo
C) Leonardo da Vinci
D) Raphael
  • 2. Which artist designed the famous bronze baldachin (canopy) over the high altar in St. Peter's Basilica?
A) Caravaggio
B) Gian Lorenzo Bernini
C) Titian
D) Donatello
  • 3. Where can you find the famous sculpture 'Pieta' by Michelangelo in Vatican City?
A) Vatican Gardens
B) Sistine Chapel
C) Vatican Museums
D) St. Peter's Basilica
  • 4. Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel before Michelangelo?
A) Pietro Perugino
B) Leonardo da Vinci
C) Titian
D) Raphael
  • 5. What is the name of the famous spiral staircase in the Vatican Museums?
A) Bernini Staircase
B) Sistine Staircase
C) Golden Staircase
D) Bramante Staircase
  • 6. Which artist painted 'The School of Athens' fresco in the Vatican Museums?
A) Michelangelo
B) Raphael
C) Titian
D) Caravaggio
  • 7. Who was the architect of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City?
A) Antonio da Sangallo the Younger
B) Giorgio Vasari
C) Filippo Brunelleschi
D) Donato Bramante
  • 8. Which artist created the famous bronze statue of St. Peter in St. Peter's Basilica?
A) Andrea Palladio
B) Ghiberti
C) Arnolfo di Cambio
D) Donatello
  • 9. Which artist painted the 'Annunciation' in the Vatican City?
A) Fra Angelico
B) El Greco
C) Giotto
D) Titian
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