  • 1. Which ecumenical council clarified the doctrine of the Trinity in 325 AD?
A) Second Vatican Council
B) Council of Trent
C) Council of Chalcedon
D) First Council of Nicaea
  • 2. What famous creed affirms the Christian belief in the Trinity?
A) Nicene Creed
B) Apostles' Creed
C) Chalcedonian Creed
D) Westminster Confession
  • 3. Which person of the Trinity is associated with the creation of the world?
A) The Holy Spirit
B) God the Father
C) Virgin Mary
D) Jesus Christ
  • 4. Which person of the Trinity is often associated with comfort, guidance, and empowerment?
A) God the Father
B) Saint Luke
C) The Holy Spirit
D) Jesus Christ
  • 5. What event in the New Testament marks the coming of the Holy Spirit to the followers of Jesus?
A) Easter
B) Pentecost
C) Christmas
D) Ascension
  • 6. What is the belief that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity?
A) Polytheism
B) Monotheism
C) Unitarianism
D) Trinitarianism
  • 7. Which term describes the three persons of the Trinity being distinct from each other but sharing one divine essence?
A) Tritheism
B) Arianism
C) Perichoresis
D) Modalism
  • 8. According to Christian belief, what event demonstrates the distinct roles of the three persons of the Trinity?
A) Last Supper
B) Feeding the five thousand
C) Transfiguration
D) Baptism of Jesus
  • 9. What is the Christian doctrine that describes God as three distinct persons in one divine essence?
A) Monotheism
B) Atonement
C) Trinity
D) Incarnation
  • 10. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are often referred to as three ______ in one God.
A) Beings
B) Entities
C) Deities
D) Persons
  • 11. The word 'Trinity' does not appear in the ______, but the concept is found throughout.
A) Vedas
B) Quran
C) Bible
D) Talmud
  • 12. Which Christian holiday celebrates the unity of the Trinity?
A) Good Friday
B) Easter Sunday
C) Christmas
D) Trinity Sunday
  • 13. The concept of the Trinity is based on revelation through _____ and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
A) Experience
B) Scripture
C) Tradition
D) Reason
  • 14. The belief in the Trinity is considered a foundational doctrine in most branches of ______.
A) Judaism
B) Islam
C) Buddhism
D) Christianity
  • 15. The doctrine of the Trinity emphasizes the ______ of God and the unity of the three persons.
A) Hierarchy
B) Separation
C) Multiplicity
D) Oneness
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