Islamic Republic of Iran
  • 1. The Islamic Republic of Iran, located in Western Asia, is a diverse country known for its rich history and culture. With a population of over 80 million people, Iran is a significant player in the Middle East region. The country is home to a vibrant architectural heritage, stunning landscapes, and a deep-rooted tradition of poetry and literature. As an Islamic republic, Iran's political system is built on a combination of Islamic principles and republican governance. Iran has faced a complex geopolitical landscape, marked by challenges and opportunities on the global stage. The country is known for its contributions in various fields such as science, art, and philosophy. Overall, the Islamic Republic of Iran remains an intriguing and influential nation with a dynamic blend of tradition and modernity.

    What is the official language of Iran?
A) Arabic
B) English
C) Persian
D) Turkish
  • 2. Which branch of Islam is the dominant religion in Iran?
A) Shia Islam
B) Sufism
C) Ismailism
D) Sunni Islam
  • 3. Which city is the capital of Iran?
A) Isfahan
B) Tehran
C) Tabriz
D) Shiraz
  • 4. Which body of water borders Iran to the south?
A) Indian Ocean
B) Red Sea
C) Caspian Sea
D) Persian Gulf
  • 5. Which ancient empire had its capital in Persepolis, Iran?
A) Parthian Empire
B) Sassanid Empire
C) Achaemenid Empire
D) Median Empire
  • 6. Which Iranian filmmaker won an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 2012?
A) Abbas Kiarostami
B) Majid Majidi
C) Jafar Panahi
D) Asghar Farhadi
  • 7. What is the term used for a marketplace in Iran and other Middle Eastern countries?
A) Flea Market
B) Souk
C) Marketplace
D) Bazaar
  • 8. Who is the current President of Iran as of 2021?
A) Hassan Rouhani
B) Mohammad Khatami
C) Ebrahim Raisi
D) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
  • 9. Which body of water forms a natural boundary between Iran and Russia to the north?
A) Black Sea
B) Aral Sea
C) Caspian Sea
D) Caspian Gulf
  • 10. Who is the current Supreme Leader of Iran as of 2021?
A) Ebrahim Raisi
B) Ruhollah Khomeini
C) Hassan Rouhani
D) Ali Khamenei
  • 11. Which important waterway connects the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman?
A) Strait of Malacca
B) Panama Canal
C) Strait of Hormuz
D) Bosphorus Strait
  • 12. In which year did Iran officially become an Islamic Republic?
A) 1979
B) 1965
C) 2001
D) 1989
  • 13. Which ancient Persian capital is known for its extensive rock-cut tombs?
A) Pasargadae
B) Takht-e Soleyman
C) Naqsh-e Rustam
D) Anahita Temple
  • 14. What is the name of the historic square in Isfahan, Iran, known for its magnificent architecture and surrounding buildings?
A) Takht-e Jamshid Square
B) Persepolis Square
C) Imam Square
D) Naqsh-e Jahan Square
  • 15. What is the name of the famous ancient citadel located in Bam, Iran?
A) Arg-e Bam
B) Taq Kasra
C) Chehel Sotoun
D) Ziggurat of Chogha Zanbil
  • 16. Which modern-day country was formerly known as Persia?
A) Iraq
B) Turkey
C) Iran
D) Pakistan
  • 17. What architectural feature is famous for its use in windcatchers found in traditional Iranian buildings?
A) Mausoleum
B) Minaret
C) Badgir
D) Dome
  • 18. Who was the leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran?
A) Rouhani
B) Reza Shah
C) Ahmadinejad
D) Ayatollah Khomeini
  • 19. Which branch of government holds the most power in the Iranian political system?
A) Judiciary
B) Supreme Leader
C) President
D) Parliament
  • 20. Which year did Iran sign the nuclear deal known as the JCPOA?
A) 2020
B) 2015
C) 2007
D) 1999
  • 21. Which Iranian general was killed in a U.S. drone strike in 2020?
A) Qasem Soleimani
B) Hassan Rouhani
C) Ali Khamenei
D) Javad Zarif
  • 22. Who was the first president of the Islamic Republic of Iran?
A) Hashemi Rafsanjani
B) Mohammad Khatami
C) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
D) Abolhassan Banisadr
  • 23. Who is considered the founder of the Pahlavi dynasty in Iran?
A) Reza Shah
B) Mohammad Reza Shah
C) Ruhollah Khomeini
D) Ali Khamenei
  • 24. What is the traditional Iranian New Year called?
A) Nowruz
B) Diwali
C) Eid al-Fitr
D) Yom Kippur
  • 25. Which holiday commemorates the martyrdom of Imam Hussain in Iran?
A) Milad un Nabi
B) Lailat al-Miraj
C) Ashura
D) Eid al-Adha
  • 26. Which Iranian musician is known as the Master of Persian Music?
A) Mohammad Reza Shajarian
B) Googoosh
C) Shakira
D) Dariush
  • 27. What was the name of the revolution that led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran?
A) French Revolution
B) Cuban Revolution
C) Iranian Revolution
D) Arab Spring
  • 28. What is the name of the paramilitary volunteer militia in Iran that is loyal to the Supreme Leader?
A) Hezbollah
B) Al-Quds Brigades
C) Basij
D) Revolutionary Guards
  • 29. What is the highest judicial authority in the Islamic Republic of Iran?
A) Guardian Council
B) Constitutional Court
C) Supreme Court
D) Assembly of Experts
  • 30. Which river flows through Iran and has a historical significance for the country?
A) Nile River
B) Ganges River
C) Karun River
D) Tigris River
  • 31. Which mountain range serves as a natural boundary between Iran and Iraq?
A) Atlas Mountains
B) Taurus Mountains
C) Hindu Kush
D) Zagros Mountains
  • 32. What is the name of the ancient city in Iran known for its unique windcatcher architecture?
A) Yazd
B) Shiraz
C) Kerman
D) Isfahan
  • 33. Which city in Iran is famous for its distinctive Persian miniature paintings?
A) Shiraz
B) Kashan
C) Tabriz
D) Isfahan
  • 34. What is the name of the largest island in Iran, located in the Persian Gulf?
A) Hormuz
B) Qatar
C) Kish
D) Qeshm
  • 35. Which mountain in Iran is the highest peak in the Middle East?
A) Elbrus
B) Damavand
C) Ararat
D) Everest
  • 36. What is the name of the famous palace complex in Iran that was the official residence of the royal family during the Pahlavi dynasty?
A) Saadabad Palace
B) Chehel Sotoun
C) Golestan Palace
D) Niavaran Palace
  • 37. Iran shares its borders with which of the following countries?
A) Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan
B) Lebanon, Cyprus, Armenia, Azerbaijan
C) Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia
D) Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Qatar
  • 38. What is the name of the elected parliament in Iran?
A) Majlis al-Shura
B) National Assembly
C) Majlis
D) Knesset
  • 39. Which fruit is commonly used in Iranian cuisine and is considered a symbol of Persian culture?
A) Pomegranate
B) Mango
C) Durian
D) Dragonfruit
  • 40. Which famous ancient city in Iran is known for its impressive ruins and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
A) Persepolis
B) Troy
C) Petra
D) Machu Picchu
  • 41. Which traditional Iranian music instrument is a type of dulcimer?
A) Oud
B) Santur
C) Tar
D) Daf
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