• 1. When the light brightens, the pupils of eyes contract; however, when it grows darker, they dilate. What kind of semantic clues applied in the given example?
A) definition clue
B) explaination clue
C) contrast clue
D) appositive clue
  • 2. The old man had a PECULIAR smile on his face inspite of the pain he seemed to suffer from. This puzzled me. The capitalized word means what?
A) Typical
B) Strange
C) Normal
D) Customary
  • 3. Everybody wanted her to be the leader. The members UNANIMOUSLY voted her. The capitalized word means what?
A) disagreeable
B) completely agreeing
C) showing off
D) discordant
  • 4. The mountain pass was TORTUOUS road, winding and twisting like a snake around the trees of the mountainside. What kind of semantic clue applied in the given example?
A) explanation clue
B) definition clue
C) contrast clue
D) appositive clue
  • 5. Flooded with spotlights-the focus of all attention- Miss Philippines began her year-long reign. What kind of semantic clues applied in the given example?
A) definition clue
B) contrast clue
C) appositive clue
D) explanation clue
  • 6. You better stay in a CONSPICUOUS place or else you will not be seen easily. The capitalized word means what?
A) strange
B) noticeable
C) unshowy
D) inconspicuous
  • 7. His long testimony was not related at all with the case.It was therefore considered IMPERTINENT. The capitalized word means what?
A) applicable
B) Irrelevant
C) apposite
D) germane
  • 8. He is an OSTENTATIOUS person. Everybody knows what he has and what he knows.
A) Quite
B) understated
C) showing off
D) unflashy
  • 9. The person who donated a big amount did not want his name to be published. He preferred to remain ANONYMOUS. The capitalized word means what?
A) peculiar
B) notorious
C) strange
D) Unknown
  • 10. Mary's cat looks tame while sleeping, but wild when awake. What kind of semantic clue applied in the given example?
A) contrast clue
B) definition clue
C) explanation clue
D) appositive clue
  • 11. Mike's parrot was loquacious, but Maria's said very little. What kind of semantic clues applied in the given example?
A) appositive clue
B) contrast clue
C) definition clue
D) definition clue
  • 12. The DEARTH of capable manpower led to the closure of the factory. The capitalized word means what?
A) adequacy
B) plenitude
C) amplitude
D) scarcity
  • 13. It refers to other aids that the author may use to make himself clear to the reader.
A) explanation clue
B) syntactic clue
C) Presenation clue
D) semantic clue
  • 14. This clue will help the reader discover that the word is a noun and an action word, etc.
A) Syntactic clue
B) explanation clue
C) semantic clue
D) Presentation clue
  • 15. His emaciation, that is, his skeleton-like appearance, was frightening to see. What kind of semantic clue applied in the given example?
A) explanation clue
B) definition clue
C) contrast clue
D) appositive clue
  • 16. One of the coommonestt ending for adj in English is Usually the suffix is added to nouns too make meaning, having the quality named by the base word
A) Ity
B) Ful
C) Ize
  • 17. Another negative prefix meaning WRONGLY or BADLY
A) ex
B) mis
C) pro
  • 18. When the suffix is added to nouns it changes then to adj meaning WITHOUT WHAT IS NAMED BY THE BASE
A) less
B) ment
C) ize
  • 19. This suffix forms noun from adj in the process the suffix is just added too the word. There are times when the terminal letter is changed
A) ness
B) ist
C) er
  • 20. This prefix is often used to mean TOO MUCH, EXCESSIVE
A) self
B) under
C) over
  • 21. The prefix means AGAINST
A) anti
B) pro
C) ex
  • 22. Among these five words which one is spelled correctly
A) inter-continental
B) anticraft
C) postwar
D) progerman
E) post graduate
  • 23. Among these five words which one is spelled correctly
A) inter-urban
B) self confident
C) under-age
D) out play
  • 24. This prefix means former or previous, used most often on names of position or professions
A) ex
B) mis
C) anti
  • 25. A word added to the beginning of a word is called
A) Inflex
B) Suffix
C) Prefix
  • 26. This suffix also forms nouns from adj but there is almost always a sounds change
A) ness
B) Is
C) this
  • 27. this is very common suffix. It forms nouns from verb with a number of different meanings
A) Is
B) ment
C) ness
  • 28. This prefix opposite meaning to over means NOT ENOUGH INSUFFICIENT
A) Over
B) less
C) under
  • 29. A refers to a syllables added at the end of a word too form a new word with a different meanings
A) prefix
B) suflex
C) suffix
  • 30. This prefix opposite meaning to over means NOT ENOUGH INSUFFICIENT
A) less
B) under
C) over
  • 31. A refers to a syllables added at the end of a word too form a new word with a different meanings
A) suffix
B) Prefix
C) Affix
  • 32. This prefix means IN FAVOR OF
A) pro
B) pre
C) anti
  • 33. This may be the words phrases sentence sorrounding the unknown word
  • 34. Directly define in the context
A) Appositive
B) Definition
C) Explanation
  • 35. May offer a synonym or description of a word
A) Context clue
B) Definition
C) Appositive
  • 36. Directly define in the context
A) Definition
B) Appositive
C) Explanation
  • 37. Are contain in the grammar of our language
A) Presentation
B) Semantic
C) Syntactic
  • 38. It refers to the other aids that the author use to make themselves clear to the reader
A) Syntactic
B) Presentation
C) Definition
  • 39. Provides for the devt and enjoyment
A) Remedial
B) Recreatory
C) Developmental
  • 40. Other way or alternative
A) Functional
B) Recreatory
C) Remedial
  • 41. again
A) And
B) Re
C) Dis
  • 42. This means AFTER
A) Pre
B) Pro
C) post
  • 43. this means BETWEEN AMONG
A) Intra
B) Inter
C) Enter
  • 44. TO GO BEYOND
A) Out
B) Post
C) Pro
  • 45. Connected with or like
A) Able
B) Al
C) Aly
  • 46. capable or worthy of being
A) Ize
B) Able
C) Ible
  • 47. This maybe the words, phrases or sentences sorrounding the unknown words
  • 48. Derived from the the meaning of the word Co-occuring with the unknown words.
  • 49. A word may directly define in the context. Ex. The register is the book which the name of the people are kept.
  • 50. May offer a synonym or description of the word. Ex. Euthanasia a- mercy killing in plain language is very controversial.
  • 51. Provides the possible opposite word of the unfamiliar word. Ex. She is not lazy to study on the contrast/she is very diligent
  • 52. The succeeding sentences may provide example explaination that may clarify the meaning of the unknown.
  • 53. Containing the grammar of our language. Determine the function of the words, whether it's noun, verb or adj. Etc.
  • 54. Refer to the other aids that the author use to make himself clear to the reader. Ex. Footnotes, graphs, pictures, visuals, diagram, fonts (Bola or itallic)
  • 55. It is a process of decoding unfamiliar words by visually examining the words to discovered components that may lead pronunciation and meaning. Recognize the root word or the base words. Inflexional ending.
  • 56. It is the difference suffixes (last) The suffix add to different English word to forma noun, one who practice or perform the action of the word.
A) Er-or
B) Ist
C) Ment
  • 57. One who practices a psychology certain profession or follows certain doctrain or set of beliefs.
A) Ist
B) Tion
C) Ment
  • 58. It forms a noun from verb
A) Tion
B) Ness
C) Ment
  • 59. It forms noun from verb
A) Tion
B) Ment
C) Ness
  • 60. Forms a noun from adjective
A) Ity
B) Tion
C) Ness
  • 61. to form abstract nouns expressing state, condition, or quality
A) Ity
B) Ize
C) En
  • 62. People also ask
    What is a suffix en?
    a suffix formerly used to form transitive and intransitive verbs from adjectives
A) Or
B) En
C) Ize
  • 63. cause to be or conform to or resemble.
A) Ist
B) Ize
C) Y
  • 64. It is form Adjective from noun
A) Ize ment
B) Y
  • 65. Noun to adjective (having quality name by the base word)
A) Ful
B) Less
C) Ous
  • 66. Noun to adj. Without what is name by the base word
A) Ly
B) Al
C) Less
  • 67. Noun to adj.
A) Ous
B) Al
C) Ly
  • 68. Noun to adj. Instrumental
A) Ly
B) Al
C) Able
  • 69. Adverbial suffix from adj. To adverb nouns to adverbs.
A) Ly
B) Able
C) Ible
  • 70. Verb to adj. (Sound changes)
A) Ize
B) Ible
C) Able
  • 71. Derived from french or latin words
A) Ive
B) Able
C) Ible
  • 72. Form verb into adj.
A) Able
B) Ly
C) Ive
  • 73. Not (adj. To adj.)
A) Un
B) Dis
C) Ize
  • 74. Not attach to verb and adj. And also attached to noun.
A) Mis
B) Dis
  • 75. Doing again
A) Or
B) Re
C) Er
  • 76. Doing to much
A) Anti
B) Under
C) Over
  • 77. Not enough insufficient
A) Over
B) Under
C) Mis
  • 78. Past or former/previous
A) Pro
B) Anti
C) Ex
  • 79. Against something
A) Ex
B) Anti
C) Pro
  • 80. In favor
A) Post
B) Pre
C) Pro
  • 81. After or later
A) Pro
B) Pre
C) Post
  • 82. Before/ earlier
A) Super
B) Post
C) Pre
  • 83. Beyond/ above
A) Super
B) Pre
C) Post
  • 84. Is the coding written symbols (RECOGNITION)
A) Reading no.2
B) Reading no.3
C) Reading no.1
  • 85. Reading is getting the meaning from printed page (COMPREHENSION)
A) Reading no.2
B) Reading no.3
C) Reading no.4
  • 86. Reading is putting meaning into the printed page (COMPREHENSION)
A) Reading no.2
B) Reading no.1
C) Reading no.3
  • 87. Reading is the process of interpreting the written symbols. (COMPREHENSION)
A) Reading no.3
B) Reading no.2
C) Reading no.4
  • 88. Reading is the process of communication between author and reader.
A) Reading no. 4
B) Reading no.3
C) Reading no.5
  • 89. (Reading process) is a complex process.
A) R.2
B) R.3
C) R.1
  • 90. (READING PROCESS) Is a two-way process. Reading is a communication between author and reader.
A) R.3
B) R.1
C) R.2
  • 91. (READING PROCESS) is largely a visual process (requires good eye sight)
A) R.3
B) R.2
C) R.5
  • 92. (READING PROCESS) Is an active process
A) R.2
B) R.5
C) R.4
  • 93. (READING PROCESS) reading make use of a linguistics system which an able readers to be more effective user of written language.
A) R.5
B) R.2
C) R.6
  • 94. (READING PROCESS) Effective reading is partly dependent on the readers prior knowledge or background experiences. (Prior knowledge)
A) R.6
B) R.5
C) R.3
  • 95. Reading materials for developing the skills from basis to complex
A) Recreatory
B) Remedial
C) Developmental
  • 96. Reading material address students problem
A) Developmental reading material
B) Recreatory
C) Remedial reading material
  • 97. For enjoyment (story, novels,wattpad) something that intertain for the development)
A) Recreatory
B) Functional
C) Remedial
  • 98. Reading materials for improving/developing their skills, use for reference, books for specific course.
A) Functional
B) Remedial recreatory
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