  • 1. What is the capital city of Turkmenistan?
A) Astana
B) Tashkent
C) Ashgabat
D) Dushanbe
  • 2. Which sea borders Turkmenistan to the west?
A) Caspian Sea
B) Arabian Sea
C) Black Sea
D) Mediterranean Sea
  • 3. In which continent is Turkmenistan located?
A) Asia
B) Europe
C) Africa
D) Australia
  • 4. Which former Soviet leader was born in Turkmenistan?
A) Saparmurat Niyazov
B) Mikhail Gorbachev
C) Vladimir Putin
D) Boris Yeltsin
  • 5. Which river forms part of Turkmenistan's northern border with Uzbekistan?
A) Nile
B) Amazon
C) Amu Darya
D) Mekong
  • 6. Turkmenistan is bordered by which country to the south?
A) Uzbekistan
B) Kazakhstan
C) Afghanistan
D) Iran
  • 7. What is the name of Turkmenistan's highest peak located in the Köýtendag Range?
A) Mount Everest
B) Ayrybaba
C) Elbrus
D) K2
  • 8. Which famous ancient city in Turkmenistan was an important stop along the Silk Road trading route?
A) Merv
B) Petra
C) Carthage
D) Ephesus
  • 9. Which former Soviet republic shares a border directly north of Turkmenistan?
A) Mongolia
B) Ukraine
C) Georgia
D) Kazakhstan
  • 10. What important event took place in Turkmenistan in 1991, marking the country's independence from the Soviet Union?
A) Coronation of the Emperor
B) Olympic Games
C) Declaration of Independence
D) World Expo
  • 11. What is the traditional Turkmen headwear that resembles a tall sheepskin hat with ear flaps called?
A) Baseball cap
B) Cowboy hat
C) Telpek
D) Beret
  • 12. Turkmenistan gained independence from which country in 1991?
A) Soviet Union
B) China
C) Iran
D) Turkey
  • 13. Which desert covers a large portion of Turkmenistan?
A) Atacama Desert
B) Gobi Desert
C) Karakum Desert
D) Sahara Desert
  • 14. What is the national symbol of Turkmenistan?
A) Golden Eagle
B) Kangaroo
C) Panda
D) Akhal-Teke horse
  • 15. Which mountain range lies to the south of Turkmenistan?
A) Caucasus Mountains
B) Hindu Kush
C) Ural Mountains
D) Kopet Dag
  • 16. What is the traditional Turkmen instrument with two strings?
A) Balalaika
B) Baglama
C) Sitar
D) Dutar
  • 17. Which Turkmen dish is made of minced lamb and onions wrapped in thin dough and steamed?
A) Manti
B) Plov
C) Samsa
D) Beshbarmak
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