Giant Panda Sanctuaries in China
  • 1. Where are most of the Giant Panda Sanctuaries located in China?
A) Hubei
B) Sichuan
C) Yunnan
D) Shaanxi
  • 2. Which of the following is NOT a main threat to giant pandas in the wild?
A) Habitat Loss
B) Climate Change
C) Poaching
D) Human Development
  • 3. What is the primary diet of giant pandas in the wild?
A) Fish
B) Meat
C) Grass
D) Bamboo
  • 4. Which is the largest giant panda reserve in China?
A) Foping Nature Reserve
B) Wolong Nature Reserve
C) Qinling Mountains
D) Chengdu Panda Base
  • 5. Giant pandas are classified as which of the following?
A) Critically Endangered
B) Endangered
C) Vulnerable
D) Least Concern
  • 6. Which season is best to visit Giant Panda Sanctuaries in China?
A) Autumn
B) Summer
C) Winter
D) Spring
  • 7. What is the name of the iconic symbol for wildlife conservation that features a giant panda?
A) WWF logo
B) Greenpeace logo
C) Panda Express logo
D) National Geographic logo
  • 8. What is the national symbol of China and a symbol of peace in Chinese culture?
A) Dragon
B) Monkey
C) Giant Panda
D) Tiger
  • 9. What is the main reason giant pandas are so scarce in the wild?
A) Natural Predators
B) Climate Change
C) Low Birth Rate
D) Habitat Destruction
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