Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem
  • 1. What is the meaning of 'Etz Ahayem' in Hebrew?
A) Valley of Peace
B) Mountain of Wisdom
C) River of Hope
D) Tree of Life
  • 2. Which Jewish holiday is known as the 'Festival of Lights'?
A) Hanukkah
B) Rosh Hashanah
C) Passover
D) Purim
  • 3. What does 'Shabbat' refer to in Judaism?
A) A Holy book
B) A prayer shawl
C) A kosher dish
D) The Sabbath
  • 4. Which direction do Jews traditionally face when praying?
A) Jerusalem
B) The North Star
C) Mecca
D) The nearest synagogue
  • 5. What is the name of the Jewish holy day of fasting and prayer, considered the holiest day in the Jewish calendar?
A) Yom Kippur
B) Purim
C) Rosh Hashanah
D) Tisha B'Av
  • 6. What is the Jewish New Year called?
A) Passover
B) Yom Kippur
C) Sukkot
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 7. What is the Jewish festival of freedom that commemorates the Israelites’ liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt?
A) Passover
B) Hanukkah
C) Purim
D) Sukkot
  • 8. What is the name of the Jewish symbol featuring a hexagram and often found on the flag of Israel?
A) Shofar
B) Star of David
C) Menorah
D) Tallit
  • 9. What are the first five books of the Hebrew Bible known as?
A) The Talmud
B) The Midrash
C) The Mishnah
D) The Torah
  • 10. Which Jewish prayer is traditionally recited over wine on Shabbat and Jewish holidays?
A) Havdalah
B) Hallel
C) Talmud
D) Kiddush
  • 11. During which month do Jews commemorate the fast of Esther and the victory over Haman in ancient Persia?
A) Adar
B) Iyyar
C) Kislev
D) Elul
  • 12. What is the Hebrew term for a marriage contract in traditional Judaism?
A) Shofar
B) Tallit
C) Ketubah
D) Bar Mitzvah
  • 13. Which Jewish holiday marks the end of the harvest season and commemorates the Israelites' wandering in the desert?
A) Sukkot
B) Shavuot
C) Tu B'Shevat
D) Simchat Torah
  • 14. What is the traditional Jewish head covering worn by men during prayer and other religious rituals called?
A) Kippah
B) Tefillin
C) Yarmulke
D) Tallit
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