AIC JS 2 IRS 2nd Term Exam
  • 1. Belief in the Prophets and Messengers of Allah and their Scriptures is a/an ..............
A) Pillar of Islam
B) None of the above
C) Testimony of faith
D) Article of faith
  • 2. Which of these is not a name of the Qur'an?
A) Al-Kitab
B) Al-Furqaan
C) Al-Hisab
D) Ad-Dhkir
  • 3. Zabur was sent to Prophet ...........
A) Dawud
B) Yaqub
C) Isa
D) Musa
  • 4. Prophet Musa was sent to the ..........
A) Jews
B) Whole of mankind and jinnkind
C) Christians
D) Whole of mankind
  • 5. Injil was sent after .............
A) Torah
B) Qur'an
C) Suhuf
D) Zabur
  • 6. Hadith No.11 of An-Nawawiy was narrated on the authority of ...........
A) Abu Muhammad
B) Abu Musa
C) Abu Ya'alah
D) Abu Hurayrah
  • 7. Hadith No. ......... of An-Nawawiy was narrated by the grand-son of the Prophet.
A) 13
B) 9
C) 11
D) 5
  • 8. The Hadith "None of you (truly) believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself" was narrated by .............
A) Anas
B) Malik
C) Abu Hurayrah
D) Ibn Umar
  • 9. An-Nasr means .............
A) The Last Day
B) The Help
C) The Hour
D) The Elephant
  • 10. Suratul-Asr was revealed to the Prophet at the time of .......................
A) Jihad
B) Ramadan
C) His farewell pilgrimage
D) Solatul-Asr
  • 11. Suratu-Takathur is Qur'an ............
A) 102
B) 100
C) 110
D) 106
  • 12. كَلَّا سَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ
    means ..............
A) You will know with the knowledge of certainty
B) Indeed, you will know
C) You will be punished
D) You will see the blazing fire
  • 13. Who should not receive zakat?
A) The newly married
B) The debtors
C) The needy
D) The poor
  • 14. Solatul-Tahajjud is ........
A) Funeral Prayer
B) Night Prayer
C) Prayer at an Eclipse
D) Prayer for rain
  • 15. Hadith No.15 of An-Nawawiy was related by ............
A) Bukhari
B) Ibn Umar
C) Tirmidhi
D) Anas ibn Malik
  • 16. Anas Ibn Malik is the ............. of the Prophet.
A) Uncle
B) Servant
C) Cousin
D) Adopted son
  • 17. لا تغضب is Hadith ........... of An-Nawawiy
A) 11
B) 13
C) 16
D) 17
  • 18. وَلَا يَحُضُّ عَلَىٰ طَعَامِ الْمِسْكِينِ
    means ...........
A) And those not urge the feeding of the Poor
B) It is he that drives the orphan away
C) And refuse small kindness
D) Those who are heedless of their prayers
  • 19. How many verses are in Suratul-Ma'un?
A) 5
B) 6
C) 8
D) 7
  • 20. Abu Ya'ala Shaddad narrated Hadith No. ........... of An-Nawawiy
A) 13
B) 17
C) 11
D) 16
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