A) 1926 B) 1960 C) 1945 D) 1900
A) In Search of Lost Time B) 1984 C) To the Lighthouse D) The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
A) German B) English C) Spanish D) Italian
A) Virginia Woolf B) Emily Dickinson C) Lou Andreas-Salomé D) George Orwell
A) Non-fiction B) Fiction C) Poetry D) Drama
A) Sonnets to Orpheus B) Paradise Lost C) The Iliad D) The Waste Land
A) Michael Maria Rilke B) David Maria Rilke C) Lucas Maria Rilke D) René Maria Rilke
A) Maximilian Rilke B) Josef Rilke C) Frederick Rilke D) Alexander Rilke
A) Leukemia B) Pneumonia C) Diabetes D) Heart attack
A) Raron, Switzerland B) Vienna, Austria C) Prague, Czech Republic D) Paris, France
A) Book of Hours B) The Lay of the Love and Death of Cornet Christoph Rilke C) Sonnets to Orpheus D) Duino Elegies
A) Paris, France B) Prague, Czech Republic C) Vienna, Austria D) Zurich, Switzerland
A) Italy B) Greece C) Russia D) Spain
A) Jean-Paul Sartre B) Immanuel Kant C) Karl Marx D) Friedrich Nietzsche
A) 1900 B) 1920 C) 1910 D) 1930 |