Rainer Maria Rilke (poet)
  • 1. When did Rainer Maria Rilke pass away?
A) 1960
B) 1900
C) 1926
D) 1945
  • 2. What is the name of Rilke's only novel?
A) To the Lighthouse
B) The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
C) In Search of Lost Time
D) 1984
  • 3. What language did Rilke primarily write in?
A) German
B) Spanish
C) Italian
D) English
  • 4. Who was Rilke's mentor and lover for a period of time?
A) Lou Andreas-Salomé
B) George Orwell
C) Virginia Woolf
D) Emily Dickinson
  • 5. What was Rilke's primary literary genre?
A) Fiction
B) Non-fiction
C) Drama
D) Poetry
  • 6. Rilke's final volume of poetry was published posthumously in 1927 with the title:
A) The Waste Land
B) The Iliad
C) Sonnets to Orpheus
D) Paradise Lost
  • 7. What is the pen name under which Rilke published his first book of poems at the age of 19?
A) René Maria Rilke
B) Michael Maria Rilke
C) David Maria Rilke
D) Lucas Maria Rilke
  • 8. Who was Rilke's father?
A) Josef Rilke
B) Frederick Rilke
C) Alexander Rilke
D) Maximilian Rilke
  • 9. What was the cause of Rilke's death?
A) Leukemia
B) Diabetes
C) Heart attack
D) Pneumonia
  • 10. Where is Rilke buried?
A) Raron, Switzerland
B) Prague, Czech Republic
C) Vienna, Austria
D) Paris, France
  • 11. What was the title of Rilke's most famous collection of poems?
A) Duino Elegies
B) Book of Hours
C) Sonnets to Orpheus
D) The Lay of the Love and Death of Cornet Christoph Rilke
  • 12. Where was Rilke born?
A) Vienna, Austria
B) Prague, Czech Republic
C) Paris, France
D) Zurich, Switzerland
  • 13. Rilke spent time in which country seeking artistic inspiration?
A) Greece
B) Russia
C) Spain
D) Italy
  • 14. Rilke was deeply influenced by the teachings of which philosopher?
A) Karl Marx
B) Friedrich Nietzsche
C) Jean-Paul Sartre
D) Immanuel Kant
  • 15. In which year did Rilke receive the prestigious patronage of the Princess Maria von Thurn und Taxis?
A) 1910
B) 1920
C) 1930
D) 1900
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