Economic value
  • 1. Economic value is a measure of the benefit that an economic actor can gain from a good or service. It encompasses the worth of resources, products, and services based on their utility, scarcity, availability, and demand in the market. Economic value is often determined by factors such as supply and demand, market conditions, consumer preferences, and cost of production. It plays a crucial role in driving economic decisions, resource allocation, pricing strategies, and overall economic growth and development.

    What is the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility?
A) The total utility of a product remains constant regardless of the quantity consumed
B) As a person consumes more of a good, the additional utility from each additional unit decreases
C) Consumers will always choose the product with the highest utility
D) The more units of a product produced, the higher the price will be
  • 2. Which of the following is NOT a type of economic value?
A) Exchange value
B) Use value
C) Intrinsic value
D) Monetary value
  • 3. What is the difference between real value and nominal value?
A) Nominal value is tangible, while real value is intangible
B) Real value is fixed, while nominal value fluctuates
C) Real value accounts for inflation, while nominal value does not
D) Real value is determined by supply and demand, while nominal value is arbitrary
  • 4. What does the term 'opportunity cost' mean in economics?
A) The benefit of choosing the most expensive option
B) The cost of an opportunity that is too expensive to pursue
C) The cost of opportunities that are equal in value
D) The value of the next best alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a different option
  • 5. Which economic theory suggests that individuals act in their own self-interest to maximize their utility?
A) Rational choice theory
B) Keynesian economics
C) Marxist theory
D) Behavioral economics
  • 6. What is the law of supply in economics?
A) Producers will only supply goods that are in excess demand
B) As the price of a good decreases, the quantity supplied also decreases
C) The supply of a good is constant regardless of price changes
D) As the price of a good increases, the quantity supplied also increases
  • 7. Which economic term refers to the total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period?
A) Consumer Price Index (CPI)
B) National debt
C) Inflation rate
D) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  • 8. What is the law of diminishing returns?
A) The value of goods decreases as more are produced
B) As additional units of a variable input are added to fixed inputs, the marginal product of the variable input decreases
C) Increasing the number of inputs always leads to greater outputs
D) The more hours worked, the higher the rate of production
  • 9. What is consumer surplus in economics?
A) The difference between what consumers are willing to pay for a good and what they actually pay
B) The amount of money consumers save by not buying a product
C) The total revenue generated by consumer spending
D) The excess income consumers have after purchasing goods
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