GENED9 Final gawagawa
  • 1. Who is the city mayor of manila during the administration of the liberal governor general Carlos Ma. De la Torre?
A) Pablo Ortiga y Perez
B) Francisco Bautista
C) Don Mariano Gomez
  • 2. He is the liberal governor general in the year 1869-1871 and was promoted as a vice - president ot the Council of the Philippines in the ministry of colonies
A) Pablo Ortiga Perez
B) Pedro Assoncion
C) Carlos Ma. de la Torre
  • 3. She is a daughter of Don Pablo
A) Leonor
B) Segunda
C) Consuelo
  • 4. A poem compost of Rizal for Consuelo Perez.
A) A la Señorita C. O. y P.
B) A la Senorita C. O. y. P.
C) A la Señorita C. O. y P.
D) A la Señora C. O. y P.
  • 5. When was A la Señorita C. O. y P. Wrote by Rizal?
A) August 22,1882
B) August 23, 1882
C) August 22, 1883
D) August 23, 1883
  • 6. He is a friend of Rizal in propaganda movement and had a love in Consuelo?
A) Edgardo de Lete
B) Francisco de Lata
C) Eduardo de Lete
  • 7. When Rizal arrived in Madrid in 1882 he joined the _____?
A) Circula Hispano-Filipino
B) Circulo Hispano-Filipino
C) Circulo Hispana-Filipino
  • 8. It was the request poem of Spaniard and Filipino society
A) Me Fiden Versos ( They Ask Me for Verses)
B) Me Piden Versos (They Ask Me for Verses)
  • 9. When was Rizal wrote the poem They Ask Me for Verses?
A) December 31, 1882
B) December 31, 1883
C) December 30, 1883
  • 10. It was the favorite pastime of Rizal in Madrid
A) Eating
B) Sleeping
C) Reading
  • 11. Rizal purchase books from a second hand-book store owned by?
A) Señor Rochelle
B) Señorita Rose
C) Señor Roses
  • 12. It is one of collection of books of Rizal
A) Twilight Saga
B) The book of Enoch
C) The Bible
  • 13. These two books aroused Rizal sympathy for the oppressed and unfortunate people.
A) The Mama mo blue and Red
B) The Super book and Book of Tom Cabin
C) Uncle's Tom Cabin and The Wondering Jew
  • 14. It is the book by Beecher Stowe
A) Uncle's Jerry Cabin
B) Uncle's Tom Cabinet
C) Uncle's Tom Cabin
  • 15. It is the book by Eugene Sue
A) The Wandering Jew
B) Uncle's Tom Cabin
C) The Wondering Jew
  • 16. During Rizal first summer vacation in Madrid Rizal went to?
A) Singapore
B) Paris
C) Barcelona
  • 17. Where was Rizal stay when he vacation in Paris?
A) Paris ni Diwata
B) Go Hotel
C) Hotel de Paris
  • 18. Rizal was a mistaken by a Parisian as a?
A) Japanese
B) Vietnamese
C) Chinese
  • 19. Is the costliest capital in Europe?
A) Paris
B) Hawaii
C) Barcelona
  • 20. He is a statesman, professor, historian, and writer.
A) Manuel Becerra
B) Francisco Pi y Margal
C) Miguel Morayta
  • 21. He is a journalist, statesman, and former President of the short-lived First Spanish Republic.
A) Miguel Morayta
B) Manuel Becerra
C) Francisco Pi y Margal
  • 22. He is Miinister of Ultramar (colonies)
A) Francisco Pi y Margal
B) Manuel Becerra
C) Miguel Morayta
  • 23. He is a journalist and member of the Spanish Cortes
A) Francisco Pi y Margal
B) Miguel Morayta
C) Emilio Junoy
  • 24. He is a parliamentarian and head of the Republican Progressive Party in Madrid.
A) Emilio Junoy
B) Francisco Pi y Margal
C) Juan Ruiz Zorilla
  • 25. In March 1893 Rizal joined the Masonic lodge called____ in madrid?
A) Acaria
B) Acasia
C) Acacia
  • 26. When was Rizal join the Masonic lodge also called acacia in Madrid?
A) March 1892
B) March 1883
C) March 1893
D) March 1882
  • 27. Rizal reason for becoming mason was thinking secure?
A) Preemansonry
B) Freemansorry
C) Freemasonry
  • 28. When was Rizal became a Master Mason?
A) November 13, 1890
B) November 14, 1890
C) November 15, 1890
  • 29. Where Rizal became a Master Mason?
A) Ladge Solidaridad
B) Lodge Solidaridad
  • 30. When was Rizal awarded the diploma as master Mason by Le Grand Orient de France in Paris?
A) February 15, 1892
B) February 14, 1890
C) February 14, 1892
D) February 15, 1890
  • 31. Rizal is the only masonic writing was a lecture tittled?
A) Science, Virtue and Labor
B) Science, Virtue and Beliefs
C) Science, Beliefs and Labor
  • 32. It is the name he use from biñan
A) Jose mercado
B) Jose rizal
C) Jose lacheca
  • 33. When was Rizal left Philippines?
A) May 02, 1882
B) May 20, 1882
C) May 03, 1882
  • 34. A Spanish steamer
A) Salvador
B) Salvadora
C) Salvodora
  • 35. How many passengers in steamer salvadora?
A) 17
B) 16
C) 18
  • 36. How many female passenger in steamer salvadora?
A) 5-7
B) 5-6
C) 4-6
  • 37. A captain of Salvador
A) Captain Donato
B) Captain Blackbeard
C) Captain Luffy
  • 38. Is a game that they played during the voyage to Singapore
A) Chess
B) Chees
C) Cheese
  • 39. When was salvadora dock in Singapore
A) May 8, 1882
B) May 11, 1882
C) May 9, 1882
  • 40. Rizal spent 2 days at these hotel in Singapore
A) Hotel de la paz
B) Hotel de la pass
C) Hotel de la pas
  • 41. Founder of Singapore
A) Thomas Sanford Doggy
B) Thomas Sanford Raffles
C) Thomas Sanford Jones
  • 42. A french steamer
A) Djmark
B) Djenmah
C) Djemnah
  • 43. When was Djemnah reached the point galle?
A) May 17, 1882
B) May 20, 1882
C) May 11, 1882
  • 44. It is now Sri Lanka
A) Colombo
B) Aden
C) Ceylon
  • 45. The capital of Ceylon
A) Sri Lanka
B) Colombo
C) Aden
  • 46. He called an inhospitable land but famous
A) Barren coast of Africa
B) Barren coast of Sri Lanka
C) Barren coast of Manila
  • 47. A city hotter than manila
A) Adden
B) Aden
C) Abenn
  • 48. It was the animal that he saw at Aden?
A) Crocodile
B) Camel
C) Lions
  • 49. It connected red sea and Mediterranean sea
A) Suez canal
B) Sue canal
C) Ruez canal
  • 50. Who built Suez Canal
A) Donato Lecha
B) Ferdinand Magellan
C) Ferdinand Lesseps
  • 51. When was Rizal dock in Naples
A) June 11, 1882
B) June 11, 1892
C) June 11, 1882
  • 52. When was steamer Djenmah dock in Marseilles?
A) June 11, 1882
B) June 12, 1882
C) June 12, 1882
  • 53. When was Rizal reached his destination in Barcelona?
A) June 17, 1882
B) June 16, 1882
C) June 15, 1882
  • 54. Second largest city in Barcelona?
A) Catalluña
B) Cataluña
C) Cataleña
  • 55. The most famous street in Barcelona?
A) Las Rambla
B) Las Ramble
C) Las Ramblas
  • 56. A nationalistic essay and first article he wrote in Spain?
A) Amor Patriorco
B) Amor Patrio
C) I love you
  • 57. He was a Publisher of diaryong Tagalog
A) Basilio Teodoro Moran
B) Basilio Teodoro Maron
C) Basilio Teodoro Moran
  • 58. It was a first Manila Bilingual newspaper
A) Diaryong Muahhh
B) Diaryong Tagalog
C) Diaryong Spanis
  • 59. When was Amor Patrio was published in Diaryong Tagalog
A) August 21, 1882
B) August 20, 1882
C) August 21, 1892
  • 60. Amor Patrio published in two texts, which is
A) Spanish and Chinese
B) Tagalog and Arabic
C) Spanish and Tagalog
  • 61. A prize winning Rizal in his Amor Patrio
A) Juventud Filipina
B) Juventud Pilipina
C) Huventud Filipina
  • 62. Second article Rizal wrote in Spain?
A) Los Viahes (travels)
B) Los Viajes (travels)
  • 63. It was the third article wrote or Rizal in Spain?
A) Revisita de Madrid (review of Madrid)
B) Revista de Madrid ( review of Madrid)
  • 64. When was Revista de Madrid wrote?
A) November 28, 1882
B) November 29, 1882
  • 65. A disease ravaging in Manila and Provinces of Philippines
A) Cholera
B) Dengue
C) Asthma
  • 66. The capital of Spain
A) Madrid
B) Barcelona
C) Paris
  • 67. When was Rizal enrolled in the University of Madrid?
A) November 2, 1883
B) November 3, 1883
  • 68. Courses taken in university of Madrid
A) Philosophy, Letters, and nursing
B) Philosophy, medicine, and Letters
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