Ornithischian dinosaurs
  • 1. In which geological period did Ornithischian dinosaurs first appear?
A) Late Cretaceous
B) Early Cretaceous
C) Early Jurassic
D) Late Triassic
  • 2. What is the meaning of the term 'Ornithischian'?
A) High-flying
B) Fast runner
C) Air-breathing
D) Bird-hipped
  • 3. What is the function of the prominent frill on some Ornithischian dinosaurs like Triceratops?
A) Regulating body temperature
B) Defense and display
C) Camouflaging
D) Assisting in flight
  • 4. Which Ornithischian dinosaur had a row of bony plates running along its back?
A) Maiasaura
B) Stegosaurus
C) Ankylosaurus
D) Iguanodon
  • 5. What is the main diet of Ornithischian dinosaurs?
A) Other dinosaurs
B) Insects
C) Fish
D) Plants
  • 6. Where did the name 'Stegosaurus' come from?
A) Roof lizard
B) Three horns
C) Spiky tail
D) Fast runner
  • 7. Which Ornithischian dinosaur had a dome-shaped skull with spikes on its nose?
A) Pachycephalosaurus
B) Parasaurolophus
C) Ankylosaurus
D) Edmontosaurus
  • 8. How did ornithischian dinosaurs move?
A) Swimming in water
B) On four legs only
C) Flying
D) On two legs or four legs depending on the species
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