Academic Reports (Touch Data)
  • 1. What are the margins for the academic report?
A) TM: 1”, LM: 1”, BM & RM: 1”
B) TM: 2”, LM: 1”, BM & RM: 1”
C) TM: 1”, LM: 1”, BM & RM: 2”
D) TM: 2”, LM: 1.5”, BM & RM: 1”
  • 2. _________is also named the Modern Language Association (MLA) style is often used to document and format students’ paper.
A) Academic Reports
B) Unbound Reports
C) Bound Reports
  • 3. Page Numbers in an academic report are located at:
A) Bottom Right Aligned
B) Top Left Aligned
C) Top Right Aligned
D) Bottom Left Aligned
  • 4. In which ribbon do you find Indention left?
A) Mailings > Paragraph >Indention Left
B) Special > Paragraph >Indention Left
C) Insert > Paragraph >Indention Left
D) Page Layout or (Home)> Paragraph >Indention Left
  • 5. Long quotes are left indented at 1” and the line spacing stays as___________ format:
A) Quadruple Space (QS)
B) Single Space (SS)
C) Triple Space (TS)
D) Double Space (DS)
  • 6. The word Works Cited has two other meanings and they are:
A) Long quotes and short quotes
B) Textual citations and long quotes
C) Ellipsis and Textual Citations
D) Bibliography and References
  • 7. How many inches do you set up the left indention in an academic report?
A) 0.5”
B) 2”
C) 1”
D) 1.5”
  • 8. The title in an academic report is ___________, a DS below the date.
A) Left aligned
B) Justified aligned
C) Right aligned
D) Center Aligned
  • 9. What are the margins for the Works Cited page in an academic report?
A) TM: 2”, LM: 1.5”, BM & RM: 1”
B) TM: 2”, LM: 1”, BM & RM: 1”
C) TM: 1”, LM: 1”, BM & RM: 2”
D) TM: 1”, LM: 1”, BM & RM: 1”
  • 10. What format feature do you use for the Works Cited page?
A) Ellipsis format
B) Hanging format
C) Textual citations format
D) Left indention format
  • 11. What is the line spacing format of an Academic Report? It is all ___________?
A) (QS) Quadruple Space
B) (SS) Single Space
C) (TS) Triple Space
D) (DS) Double Space
  • 12. In which ribbon do you find Page Break?
A) Insert>Page Break
B) Home> Page Break
C) Page Layout> Page Break
D) Mailings>Page Break
  • 13. In an academic report the header is right aligned and it includes:
A) Last Name and Page Number
B) Page number only
C) Last Name and Date
D) Date and Page Number
  • 14. In which Ribbon do you find numbers and bullets?
A) Mailings>Bullets and Numbering
B) Home>Bullets and Numbering
C) Page Layout>Bullets and Numbering
D) Insert>Bullets and Numbering
  • 15. (__________________)

    Professor Trujillo

    Touch Systems Data Entry

    23 March 200-

    What part is missing in parenthesis area?
A) Instructor's Name
B) Student's Name
C) Course Name
D) Date
  • 16. Student Name


    Touch Systems Data Entry

    23 March 200-

    What part is missing in parenthesis area?
A) Instructor's Name
B) Course Name
C) Date
D) Student's Name
  • 17. Student Name

    Professor Trujillo


    23 March 200-

    What part is missing in parenthesis area?
A) Instructor's Name
B) Course Name
C) Student's Name
D) Date
  • 18. Student Name

    Professor Trujillo

    Touch Systems Data Entry


    What part is missing in parenthesis area?
A) Instructor's Name
B) Student's Name
C) Course Name
D) Date
  • 19. Select the DATE format that is used in an Academic Report?
A) Month, Day, Year
B) Day, Month, Year,
C) Year, Day , Month
  • 20. Which Ribbon do you find hyphenation?
A) Page Layout > Hyphenation> Automatic
B) Mailings > Hyphenation> Automatic
C) Home > Hyphenation> Automatic
D) Insert > Hyphenation> Automatic
  • 21. Identify what style of Date is used in the Academic Report.
A) hanging
B) military
C) left indentation
D) DS (double space)
  • 22. In which ribbon do you find line spacing.
A) Insert > Paragraph>Line Spacing
B) Page Layout > Paragraph>Line Spacing
C) Design > Paragraph>Line Spacing
  • 23. Which ribbon do you use to change the text alignment in a document.
A) Page Layout > Alignment Icon
B) Home > Alignment Icon
C) Insert > Alignment Icon
  • 24. Which ribbon do you use to change the font name & size in a document
A) Insert > Font
B) Page Layout > Font
C) Home > Font
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