Thomas A. Edison invents the incandescent electric light
  • 1. When did Thomas A. Edison invent the incandescent electric light?
A) 1832
B) 1879
C) 1895
D) 1920
  • 2. In which city did Thomas A. Edison demonstrate the first successful incandescent light bulb?
A) Menlo Park
B) New York City
C) Philadelphia
D) Chicago
  • 3. What gas did Edison use in the electric light bulb to prevent the filament from burning up?
A) Oxygen
B) Nitrogen
C) Carbon dioxide
D) Helium
  • 4. What was the name of the company founded by Edison to promote and market the incandescent light bulb?
A) Westinghouse Electric Corporation
B) Bell Illumination Technologies
C) Edison Electric Light Company
D) Tesla Innovations LLC
  • 5. What is the technical term for the process by which the electric light bulb produces light?
A) Luminescence
B) Bioluminescence
C) Fluorescence
D) Incandescence
  • 6. What is the modern-day equivalent of the incandescent light bulb, known for its energy efficiency?
A) Fluorescent tube
B) LED bulb
C) Neon light
D) Halogen lamp
  • 7. In which year did the European Union begin phasing out incandescent light bulbs for energy-efficient options?
A) 2015
B) 2001
C) 2009
D) 1995
  • 8. What legislation in the United States set energy efficiency standards for incandescent bulbs?
A) Clean Energy Act of 2010
B) Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
C) Electricity Conservation Bill of 2012
D) Lighting Efficiency Regulation of 2005
  • 9. What was the nickname given to Thomas A. Edison by the public for his invention of the light bulb?
A) The Electric Luminary
B) The Illumination Maestro
C) The Light Bulb King
D) The Wizard of Menlo Park
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