Week 19 Spelling Test
  • 1. Choose the correct spelling
A) werthy
B) worthy
C) worithy
D) worty
  • 2. Choose the correct spelling
A) rehease
B) rehearese
C) rehearse
D) rihease
  • 3. Choose the correct spelling
A) ferem
B) firm
C) ferm
D) firim
  • 4. Choose the correct spelling
A) murmur
B) murmer
C) murmir
D) mumur
  • 5. Choose the correct spelling
A) encourge
B) incorage
C) encourage
D) emcorage
  • 6. Choose the correct spelling
A) purcase
B) purchese
C) purchise
D) purchase
  • 7. Choose the correct spelling
A) circulir
B) circular
C) cicular
D) circelar
  • 8. Choose the correct spelling
A) disturb
B) disturib
C) diseturb
D) desturb
  • 9. Choose the correct spelling
A) risearch
B) research
C) reseach
D) reseach
  • 10. Choose the correct spelling
A) cenfirm
B) confirm
C) cenferm
D) confrm
  • 11. Choose the correct spelling
A) eternal
B) iternal
C) eternial
D) eterenal
  • 12. Choose the correct spelling
A) courtisy
B) courtesy
C) cortesy
D) cortesiy
  • 13. Choose the correct spelling
A) jornal
B) jernual
C) journal
D) journial
  • 14. Choose the correct spelling
A) journey
B) jorney
C) journiy
D) joiurney
  • 15. Choose the correct spelling
A) desereve
B) diserve
C) deserive
D) deserve
  • 16. Choose the correct spelling
A) cirten
B) certyen
C) certeain
D) certain
  • 17. Choose the correct spelling
A) comerical
B) commercial
C) commericial
D) cemmerocal
  • 18. Choose the correct spelling
A) coencern
B) concern
C) conciern
D) cencern
  • 19. Choose the correct spelling
A) refier
B) refer
C) refeir
D) rifer
  • 20. Choose the correct spelling
A) nervos
B) nerveous
C) nervous
D) nirvous
  • 21. Choose the correct spelling
A) metusleah
B) methuzelah
C) Methuselah
D) metuselah
  • 22. Choose the correct spelling
A) saniguine
B) senguine
C) sangune
D) sanguine
  • 23. Choose the correct spelling
A) interdcit
B) interdict
C) inferdict
D) enterdict
  • 24. Choose the correct spelling
A) cenduce
B) comduce
C) conduce
D) conduze
  • 25. Choose the correct spelling
A) popinquity
B) propinpity
C) propenquity
D) propinquity
  • 26. Choose the correct spelling
A) precetory
B) precatery
C) precatory
D) prezatory
  • 27. Choose the correct spelling
A) sacerdotal
B) sacedotal
C) sazerdotal
D) sacerbotal
  • 28. Choose the correct spelling
A) oligoqoly
B) oligopoly
C) oligopely
D) olgopoly
  • 29. Choose the correct spelling
A) lineament
B) lineanint
C) lineamnet
D) lineamint
  • 30. Choose the correct spelling
A) cofhurnal
B) cethurnal
C) cothurnal
D) cothural
  • 31. Choose the correct spelling
A) illuminate
B) illuninate
C) illunimate
D) iluminate
  • 32. Choose the correct spelling
A) sarcastic
B) sarzastic
C) sarcastec
D) sarcaztic
  • 33. Choose the correct spelling
A) judicious
B) judizious
C) judcious
D) judcious
  • 34. Choose the correct spelling
A) tranzportation
B) trainsportation
C) transportaton
D) transportation
  • 35. Choose the correct spelling
A) supporfive
B) suportive
C) supportive
D) supportve
  • 36. Choose the correct spelling
A) preductive
B) produztive
C) productive
D) probuctive
  • 37. Choose the correct spelling
A) comport
B) comqort
C) compot
D) conport
  • 38. Choose the correct spelling
A) deducfion
B) deduztion
C) deduction
D) debuction
  • 39. Choose the correct spelling
A) reducidle
B) reducible
C) reducble
D) raducible
  • 40. Choose the correct spelling
A) deportaton
B) deportoin
C) deporfation
D) deportation
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