Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • 1. When was Franklin D. Roosevelt born?
A) January 30, 1882
B) March 2, 1899
C) December 24, 1874
D) June 6, 1853
  • 2. Which president preceded Franklin D. Roosevelt in office?
A) Harry S. Truman
B) Herbert Hoover
C) Woodrow Wilson
D) Calvin Coolidge
  • 3. What was the name of Franklin D. Roosevelt's famous set of policies aimed at lifting the U.S. out of the Great Depression?
A) Fair Deal
B) Square Deal
C) Great Society
D) New Deal
  • 4. Which event led the United States to enter World War II during Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency?
A) Blitzkrieg
B) D-Day Invasion
C) Attack on Pearl Harbor
D) Battle of Stalingrad
  • 5. Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt's wife?
A) Jacqueline Kennedy
B) Mamie Eisenhower
C) Barbara Bush
D) Eleanor Roosevelt
  • 6. Which program established social security in the United States during Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency?
A) Medicare Program
B) Welfare Reform Act
C) Social Security Act
D) Affordable Care Act
  • 7. Which Supreme Court plan did Franklin D. Roosevelt push to expand the number of justices?
A) Court-packing plan
B) Legal Reform Plan
C) Justice Appointment Plan
D) Judicial Review Plan
  • 8. What was Franklin D. Roosevelt's disability that he tried to conceal from the public?
A) Blindness
B) Polio
C) Deafness
D) Paralysis
  • 9. Which New Deal agency helped to stabilize the banking system of the United States?
A) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
B) Works Progress Administration (WPA)
C) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
D) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
  • 10. Which landmark legislation aimed at promoting fair labor practices was passed during Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency?
A) National Labor Relations Act
B) Fair Labor Standards Act
C) Adamson Act
D) Taft-Hartley Act
  • 11. In which state was Franklin D. Roosevelt born?
A) Massachusetts
B) New York
C) Illinois
D) Pennsylvania
  • 12. Which of the following programs was NOT part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal?
A) Medicare
B) Civilian Conservation Corps
C) Tennessee Valley Authority
D) Works Progress Administration
  • 13. What was the name of Franklin D. Roosevelt's famous pet dog in the White House?
A) Lassie
B) Fala
C) Spot
D) Buddy
  • 14. Who succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt as President of the United States?
A) Harry S. Truman
B) John F. Kennedy
C) Lyndon B. Johnson
D) Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • 15. What was the name of the series of radio broadcasts through which Franklin D. Roosevelt communicated with the American people?
A) Talk Radio Hour
B) Fireside Chats
C) Radio Conversations
D) News Breaks
  • 16. What was the informal designation for Franklin D. Roosevelt's policy of providing military aid to foreign nations during World War II?
A) Cash-and-Carry
B) Lend-Lease
C) Marshall Aid
D) Post-War Relief
  • 17. Which U.S. Navy base was attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941, leading to American entry into World War II?
A) Pearl Harbor
B) Midway
C) Wake Island
D) Guadalcanal
  • 18. What position did Franklin D. Roosevelt hold before becoming President of the United States?
A) U.S. Senator
B) Ambassador to the UK
C) Governor of New York
D) Secretary of State
  • 19. Which law signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to regulate investment banking and financial markets?
A) Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
B) Sarbanes-Oxley Act
C) Volcker Rule
D) Glass-Steagall Act
  • 20. What was the name of the organization through which Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the New Deal programs?
A) Public Works Administration
B) Works Progress Administration
C) Civilian Conservation Corps
D) National Recovery Administration
  • 21. Which political party did Franklin D. Roosevelt belong to?
A) Republican Party
B) Libertarian Party
C) Green Party
D) Democratic Party
  • 22. Which event led to Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal policies?
A) Emancipation Proclamation
B) World War I
C) Watergate scandal
D) Great Depression
  • 23. In which year did Franklin D. Roosevelt die?
A) 1945
B) 1932
C) 1955
D) 1968
  • 24. When did Franklin D. Roosevelt first take office as President of the United States?
A) January 20, 1921
B) March 4, 1933
C) July 5, 1945
D) November 11, 1918
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