Syrian Civil War
  • 1. The Syrian Civil War is an ongoing conflict that began in 2011, resulting from the Arab Spring protests that started in early 2011. The war has led to a devastating humanitarian crisis, with hundreds of thousands of people killed and millions displaced. It has involved numerous factions, including the Syrian government, opposition groups, extremist organizations, and foreign powers. The conflict is characterized by complex alliances, power struggles, and human rights abuses. The war has had a profound impact on Syria and the region as a whole, with long-lasting consequences for the people and the country.

    When did the Syrian Civil War start?
A) 2005
B) 2007
C) 2011
D) 2014
  • 2. Which city in Syria is considered the birthplace of the Syrian Civil War?
A) Damascus
B) Aleppo
C) Homs
D) Daraa
  • 3. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad belongs to which religious sect?
A) Druze
B) Sunni
C) Alawite
D) Shia
  • 4. What is the capital city of Syria?
A) Aleppo
B) Hama
C) Damascus
D) Homs
  • 5. Which country has been a major proponent of Russian military intervention in Syria?
A) United Kingdom
B) Iran
C) France
D) United States
  • 6. Which major city in Syria has faced prolonged siege and destruction during the war?
A) Hama
B) Manbij
C) Aleppo
D) Palmyra
  • 7. Which foreign power has carried out airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria?
A) Iran
B) Russia
C) Turkey
D) United States
  • 8. Which rebel-held enclave near Damascus faced a devastating government siege in 2018?
A) Daraa
B) Homs
C) Raqqa
D) Eastern Ghouta
  • 9. Which U.N. resolution called for a ceasefire and peace talks in Syria?
A) Resolution 1973
B) Resolution 678
C) Resolution 2254
D) Resolution 1441
  • 10. Which city did ISIS declare as its capital in Syria?
A) Raqqa
B) Al-Bab
C) Deir ez-Zor
D) Hasakah
  • 11. Which country has hosted multiple rounds of peace talks for Syria?
A) Kazakhstan
B) Switzerland
C) Norway
D) Denmark
  • 12. The Syrian Civil War has led to one of the biggest refugee crises in which neighboring country?
A) Turkey
B) Jordan
C) Iraq
D) Lebanon
  • 13. Which international organization has been involved in humanitarian aid efforts in Syria?
A) European Union
C) World Bank
D) United Nations
  • 14. What is the name of the Kurdish-majority region in northern Syria under self-administration?
A) SDF Autonomous Region
B) Kurdistan
C) Rojava
D) Euphrates Shield
  • 15. Which country has faced criticism for its military involvement in Syria to support the Assad government?
A) Russia
B) United States
C) Turkey
D) Iran
  • 16. Which agreement aimed to establish de-escalation zones in Syria?
A) Sochi Agreement
B) Geneva Agreement
C) Vienna Agreement
D) Astana Agreement
  • 17. Who has been the President of Syria during the Syrian Civil War?
A) Bashar al-Assad
B) Muammar Gaddafi
C) Saddam Hussein
D) Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
  • 18. What is the name of the main opposition group fighting against the Syrian government?
A) Doctors Without Borders
B) Free Syrian Army
C) Greenpeace
D) Red Cross
  • 19. Which group is primarily responsible for the siege of Eastern Ghouta in 2018?
A) Russian military
B) Syrian government forces
C) Kurdish militia
D) Rebel factions
  • 20. Who are the primary targets of the Assad regime during the war?
A) Opposition forces and civilians
B) Foreign invaders
C) ISIS fighters
D) International aid workers
  • 21. What was the UN Security Council's response to the Syrian Civil War?
A) Complete embargo
B) Supporting rebel factions
C) Military intervention
D) Several resolutions, including humanitarian aid provision
  • 22. How has Russia been involved in the Syrian Civil War?
A) Humanitarian efforts only
B) Providing military support to the Syrian government
C) Acting as mediators
D) Funding opposition groups
  • 23. What is the significance of the city of Aleppo in the Syrian Civil War?
A) It was never impacted by the war
B) It was a major battleground between government forces and rebels
C) It was the capital city of Syria
D) It remained neutral throughout the conflict
  • 24. What impact has the Syrian Civil War had on neighboring countries?
A) Decrease in regional tensions
B) Economic growth and stability
C) Enhanced security cooperation
D) Strain on resources and refugee influx
  • 25. Which group occupied Raqqa, the 'capital' of ISIS in Syria, in 2017?
A) Free Syrian Army
B) Syrian Democratic Forces
C) Turkish Armed Forces
D) Al-Nusra Front
  • 26. Which city witnessed a deadly chemical attack in 2017 that led to international condemnation?
A) Idlib
B) Khan Shaykhun
C) Manbij
D) Raqqa
  • 27. What is the significance of the town of Douma in the context of the Syrian Civil War?
A) Neutral ground for peace talks
B) Declared an autonomous region
C) Capital city of the opposition
D) Site of alleged chemical weapons attack in 2018
  • 28. Which ethnic group has faced persecution and displacement during the conflict?
A) Kurds
B) Druze
C) Armenians
D) Druse
  • 29. What has been a key obstacle to achieving a political solution to the Syrian conflict?
A) Economic Sanctions
B) International Proxy Wars
C) Religious Extremism
D) Lack of Foreign Aid
  • 30. What sparked the initial protests in Syria that led to the civil war?
A) Economic recession
B) Religious conflicts
C) Foreign invasion
D) Arab Spring uprisings
  • 31. What is the name of the Kurdish militia that has played a significant role in the conflict against ISIS?
A) Al-Nusra Front
B) Peshmerga
D) Hezbollah
  • 32. Which political party does Bashar al-Assad belong to?
A) Kurdistan Democratic Party
B) Muslim Brotherhood
C) Labour Party
D) Ba'ath Party
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