7th Grade Math Vocabulary Quiz (2 out of 4)
__1. Cross-SectionA. a number made up of a whole number and a fraction; not a 0
__2. DiameterB. to write a fraction or expression in simplest form
__3. Mixed NumberC. the x and y-axis that divide a coordinate plane in four
__4. Percent of ChangeD. a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides
__5. PrismE. the amount stated as a percent a number increase/decreases
__6. QuadrantF. the line that goes through a circle's center
__7. QuadrilateralG. a polyhedron with two congruent bases & parallelogram faces
__8. Rational NumbersH. the intersection of a 3D figure into a plane
__9. SimplifyI. any number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers
__10. TrapezoidJ. a four-sided polygon
__11. CoefficientA. an integer less than zero
__12. Negative NumberB. a branching diagram that shows all possible combinations
__13. ProportionsC. the sum of the areas of the faces, surfaces, of a 3D-figure
__14. PyramidD. a symbol used to present a quantity that can change
__15. RadiusE. a line going from the center of a circled to 1 side
__16. Scale ModelF. an equation that states to equivalent
__17. Surface AreaG. a polyhedron with triangular sides, a base, meet at a vertex
__18. Tree-DiagramH. the number that is multiplied by the variable in algebra
__19. VariableI. a proportional model of a 3D figure
__20. VertexJ. the point where two sides meet on an angle or polygon
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