• 1. Aura : …… Akbar
    Akbar : . . . . .Aura
A) Good night
B) Good morning
C) Good afternoon
D) Good evening
  • 2. Angga: …… Annisa
    Annisa : . . . . .Angga
A) Good morning
B) Good evening
C) Good night
D) Good afternoon
  • 3. Mom : . . . . . my dear, have a nice dream.
    Azeera : . . . . mom
A) Good afternoon
B) Good night
C) Good evening
D) Good morning
  • 4. Ardika: Hi, Tio How are you today?
    Tio : Oh Ardika. I am . . . . today.
A) tired
B) happy
C) surprise
D) great
  • 5. Azeera : Hi, Beny. How's life?
    Bella : Oh Azeera. I feel . . . . today.
    Azeera : Why?
    Bella: my cat is sick.
A) wonderful
B) sad
C) fine
D) mad
  • 6. Azeera : Hi, Beny. How do you feel now?
    Bella : Oh Azeera. I feel . . . . now.
    Azeera : Why?
    Bella: my cat is missing.
A) surprise
B) great
C) headache
D) so so
  • 7. Complete the sentence based on the expression from picture.

    Azeera : Hello Aariz. How do you feel now?
    Aariz : Oh Azeera. I . . . . now.
A) surprise
B) happy
C) great
D) sleepy
  • 8. Mrs. Nayla : Ok students. see you , bye
    Students : . . . . ma'am. bye bye.
A) see you
B) hello
C) nice to meet you
D) so so
  • 9. Mrs. Nayla : Hello, I am Mrs. Nayla, . . . . .?
    Students : How do you do ma'am?
A) how do you do
B) how are you
C) how's life
D) how are you doing
  • 10. Mrs. Nayla : Hello Azriel . . . . .?
    Azriel : I am fine.
A) How do you do
B) Nice to meet you
C) How are you
D) see you
    I . . . . unstopable person now.
A) are
B) was
C) is
D) am
  • 12. Mr. Danar : Ok Students, see you tomorrow. . . . .
    Students : See you tomorrow sir, good bye.
A) bye
B) I am fine
C) so so
D) see you
  • 13. It is 9.00 o'clock a.m

    Mr. Danar : . . . . Students, how are you today?
    Students : Good morning sir, We are fine.
A) Good evening
B) Good afternoon
C) Good morning
D) Good night
  • 14. Answer this question based on the ID Card above!

    Who has this card?
A) Alfira
B) Alfitrah
C) Alfizah
D) Azira
  • 15. Answer this question based on the ID Card above!

    Where does she live?
A) Student
B) Islam
C) Wanda
D) Gunung Lagan
  • 16. Answer this question based on the ID Card above!

    Where does he live?
A) Keushi Primary School
B) Paschim Medinipur
C) Arghadip Das
D) Bibhas Das
  • 17. Answer this question based on the ID Card above!

    What is her guardian name in this card?
A) Alveena S.K
B) Student ID Card
C) Salam Kudhus
D) School
  • 18. Fill in the blank with the correct 'Am/Is/Are'

    Vino and Akbar . . . . our new neighbour.
A) is
B) are
C) was
D) am
  • 19. Fill in the blank with the correct 'Am/Is/Are'

    Maher Zain . . . . a famous singer now.
A) are
B) were
C) is
D) was
  • 20. What activities do you usually use this command line?

    "Read your Quran correctly"
A) Activity in the canteen
B) in Tahfidz activity
C) in Scout activity
D) in sport activity
  • 21. What activities do you usually use this command line?

    "Buy your Snack in here".
A) in Scout activity
B) in Tahfidz activity
C) in the mosque
D) Activity in the canteen
  • 22. Name the animal from the picture 2?
A) Chicken
B) Goose
C) Duck
D) Bird
  • 23. What is the animal in number 1 ?
A) Goat
B) Cow
C) Horse
D) Sheep
  • 24. What is the picture of number 5?
A) knife
B) mug
C) spoon
D) forg

    . . . . . . . ARE TWELVE COWS.
A) These
B) This
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