Gened6 final
  • 1. Style/way executing the movements
A) Costumes
B) Technique
C) Movement
  • 2. Are the things worn by the dancers during their performance
A) Props
B) Properties
C) Costume
  • 3. Commonly called props. Things caried by dancers as they perform
A) Props
B) Properties
C) Movement
  • 4. Setting/background that indicates the place of action for the dancers
A) Elements
B) Set design
C) Movement
  • 5. Perform by a member of tribe/ethnic group to conduct their day-to-day activities
A) Folk/ethnic dance
B) Spectacular/theatrical dance
C) Social/ballroom dance
  • 6. Form of art depicts life’s experiences through the renacment
A) Drama
B) Dance
C) Poetry
  • 7. Greek word dram
A) To swing
B) To act/to do
C) To move
  • 8. Elements of drama as a literary art
A) Literary elements
B) Art elements
C) Literary art
  • 9. Overall in charge of the dramatic performance
A) Director
B) Direct
C) Directions
  • 10. Members of the cast
A) Actress
B) Acting
C) Actor
  • 11. Sequences the scenes to be presented
A) Editing
B) Edition
C) Editor
  • 12. Does the layout of the set
A) Set designer
B) Set editor
C) Set edition
  • 13. Person who take charge to the photography
A) Cinema
B) Cinematography
C) Cinematographer
  • 14. Form of art using rhythmic bodily movements expressing idea & emotions and accompanied by music
A) Dance
B) Dancing
C) Dancer
  • 15. Allied arts
A) Poem/Art
B) Music/poetry
C) Music/dance
  • 16. Message of the dance
A) Subject
B) Movement
C) Portray
  • 17. Classified into steps gestures & facial expressions
A) Goal
B) Portier
C) Movement
D) Move
  • 18. Style/way executing movement
A) Props
B) Costume
C) Technique
  • 19. Performed by pair/group to socialize
A) Social/ballroom
B) Tribe
C) Ethnic
  • 20. Dances are those perform on stage as a spectacular to entertain audience
A) Social/ballroom
B) Ethnic/folk
C) Spectacular/theatrical
  • 21. Poem which deals with a certain subject matter
A) Simple lyric
B) Music poem
C) Lyric poem
  • 22. Poem address to some period object person or quality
A) Elegy
B) Song
C) Ode
  • 23. Poem for the dead that is far from pessimistic ennobling exalted in tone and offering an optimistic note in the end
A) Sonnet
B) Ode
C) Elegy
  • 24. Poem that is pictorial and reflective
A) Simple lyric
B) Hymn
C) Soft lyric
  • 25. Melodious poem intended to be sung and readily adapted to music
A) Song
B) Sing
C) Sung
  • 26. Sing of praise to God or the Virgin Mary
A) Psalm
B) Sonnet
C) Hymn
  • 27. 14 line poem. Classified into Petrarchan Shakesperean spenserian or Filipino
A) Hymn
B) Sonnet
C) Elegy
  • 28. Metrical composition adapted for singing un a religious service
A) Hymn
B) Ode
C) Psalm
  • 29. Involves the sense of movement
A) Symbolism
B) Thermal energy
C) Kinesthetic imagery
  • 30. Sense of heat. Exemplified by heat related word
A) Thermal
B) Kinesthetic
C) Symbolism
  • 31. Manifested when one thing is let to represent another
A) Symbol
B) Symbolism
C) Ballad
  • 32. Words & phrases connotatively used by the writer to communicate an abstract idea
A) Figure of loud
B) Figure of symbols
C) Figure of speech
  • 33. Poem serves to tell a story
A) Epic
B) Narrative
C) Ballad
  • 34. Deals with a single incident and has singable quality
A) Narrative
B) Ballad
C) Epic
  • 35. A love story in verse form
A) Metrical tale
B) Metrical story
C) Metrical romance
  • 36. Short story in verse form
A) Metrical story
B) Metrical tale
C) Metrical romance
  • 37. Poem intended to be perform on stage
A) Dramatic
B) Theatrical
C) Narrative
  • 38. Occurs when the rhyming words are compound words forming two pairs of rhyming words
A) Compound
B) Monorime
C) Dirime
  • 39. Exist when all the lines in the stanza have the same final sound. Tana korido awit
A) Tirime
B) Dirime
C) Monorime
  • 40. When stanza has two pairs of set rhyming words
A) Monorime
B) Dirime
C) Tirime
  • 41. Stanza has three pairs or sets of rhyming words. Sestet
A) Monorime
B) Dirime
C) Tirime
  • 42. The rhyming words are homonyms,exemplified by paired words such as steak/stake
A) Identical ryhme/ rime riche
B) Dirime
C) Tirime
  • 43. Creation of pictures by using words that appeal to senses
A) Imagery
B) Auditory imagery
C) Visual imagery
  • 44. Involves sense of sight
A) Visual imagery
B) Olfactory imagery
C) Auditory imagery
  • 45. Involves sense of hearing
A) Olfactory imagery
B) Gustatory imagery
C) Auditory imagery
  • 46. Involves sense of smell
A) Tactual imagery
B) Olfactory imagery
C) Gustatory imagery
  • 47. Involves sense of taste
A) Tactile imagery
B) Gustatory imagery
C) Olfactory imagery
  • 48. Involves sense of touch
A) Olfactory imagery
B) Tactual/tactile imagery
C) Gustatory imagery
  • 49. Lines are described according to the number of syllables.
A) Slant measure
B) Horizontal measure
C) Vertical measure
  • 50. One syllable
A) Monosyllabic
B) Disyllabic
C) Trisyllabic
  • 51. Four syllables
A) Pentasyllabic
B) Tetrasyllabic
C) Trisyllabic
  • 52. Regular succession of accented & unaccented syllables in line
A) Rhythmic
B) Rhythm
C) Rhyming
  • 53. Presence of words that have similar/identical final sounds
A) Rhythmic
B) Rhyming
C) Rhyme
  • 54. abbaabba
A) Sestet
B) Octave
C) Couplet
  • 55. Three lines rhyme
A) Triplet
B) Quatrain
C) Couplet
  • 56. cdcdcd
A) Quantain
B) Sestet
C) Couplet
  • 57. Drama which the hero succeeds in fulfilling his goal
A) Farce
B) Tragicomedy
C) Comedy
  • 58. Hero fails with respect to some goal but succeds to respect the other goal
A) Melodrama
B) Comedy
C) Tragicomedy
  • 59. Written by an author whose intention us pike fun at his action,his hero
A) Melodrama
B) Farce
C) Comedy
  • 60. Drama focuses on protagonist
A) Melodrama
B) Farce
C) Comedy
  • 61. Most important aspect of a play for without it,it wont have production
A) Play
B) Story
C) Script
  • 62. Contains the dialogue to be memorized by performeru
A) Story
B) Dialogue
C) Script
  • 63. Composed to represent the subject matter of drama
A) Musical song
B) Theme song
C) Musically score
  • 64. Tasked to do the overall design for drama to be shown in small/wide screen
A) Production design
B) Drama design
C) Set design
  • 65. Rhyming words are found within one lines
A) Perfect rhyme
B) Terminal rhyme
C) Internal rhyme
  • 66. Rhyming words are found at the end of luned
A) Terminal
B) Perfect
C) Approximate
  • 67. Occurs when the final sounds of rhyming words are similar
A) Perfect
B) Approximate
C) Eye
  • 68. Occurs when the words have identical final letters which do not sound the same
A) Perfect
B) Single
C) Eye
  • 69. Occurs when the rhyming words have single syllable each
A) Masculine/single
B) Eye
C) Double/feminine
  • 70. Occurs when the rhyming words have two syllables each and the stress on first syllable
A) Feminine /double
B) Eye
C) Masculine/single
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