6th SW #1 Cells, Cell Theory
  Cells are the:
 basic unit and structure of life 
building blocks of life
both of the above
neither of the above
Prokaryotic cells:
 are advanced large cells and can be seen      without a microscope
have a nucleus 
 do NOT have a nucleus
     Eukaryotic cells:
do NOT have a nucleus
are primitive small cells
have a nucleus

Any living thing is called an organism.
An organism that is able to make it's own food is:
a consumer
food chef
Mrs. Ruble saw a sample of brain tissue under amicroscope.  She noticed there were many cells thathave a nucleus and were all connected together.  This means the brain tissue is:
unicellular and made of eukaryotic cells
unicellular and made of prokaryotic cells
multicellular and made of eukaryotic cells
multicellular and made of prokaryotic cells
Mrs. Carr saw a paramecium under the microscope.She noticed it was made of only one cell and had anucleus.  This means the paramecium is:
unicellular and eukaryotic cell
unicellular and a prokaryotic cell
multicellular and a eukaryotic cell
multicellular and a prokaryotic cell
A tree is known as an autotroph.  This is because:
the tree is not able to make its own food.  It
only gets food through plant fertilizer
it automatically moves from place to place
it makes shady areas with its leaves
the tree is able to make its own food through    the process of photosynthesis
Which of the following organisms are all heterotrophs? This means they are NOT able to make their own food and must find food from other sources such as other plants or animals:
trees, grass, flowers
people, bugs, birds
people, trees, dogs
deer, algae, plants, panthers
prokaryotic cells

The following image is apicture of onion cells under a microscope.  Each bluedot in the cell representsa nucleus.  These onioncells are considered:
eukaryotic cells
       The cell in the picture below is considered        prokaryotic?  Why?
it is microscopic
it has a nucleus
it is missing a nucleus
none of the above
What type of cell is seen in the picture below?
This organelle is like your brain.It contains DNA and tells the cell what to do.
cell membrane
 True or False:
ALL organisms are multicellular eukaryotes
    True or False:
    Bacteria are unicellular organisms.
       Which of the following statements make up        the cell theory?
A. The cell is the basic unit of all living thingsB. All cells come from existing cellsC. All cells have a nucleus D. All organisms are made of one or more cells.
A, B, C
A, C, D
B, C, D
A, B, D
   In a eukaryotic cell, the DNA can be found in what  structure?
cell membrane
cell wall
 Which cells are larger and more advanced?
Prokaryotic cells

What type of cells are you made of?
Eukaryotic cells
Identify the following:
 Identify the following:
 What kind of cell is pictured?
   Identify the following:
   Identify the following:
   Identify the following:
Identify this Paramecium:
Identify the following:
What kind of cell is pictured?
 Identify the following:

Biotic means: A living, or once living organism.
       Abiotic refers to a nonliving part of an        organisms habitat.
The mistaken idea that living things can arise fromnon-living sources is called:
Abiotic generation
Life generation
 Spontaneous generation
Spontaneous combustion
An Amoeba and a Euglena are: (journal p. 111)
Single celled Prokaryotics
Multicelled Prokaryotics
Single celled Eukaryotes
 Multicelled Eukaryotes
Used like binoculars to see far off things
Used to see distant stars in galaxies
Used to dissect cells
Used to see microscopic organisms
A microscope is:
A single cell (made of only one cell) is:
Multicellular means it is made of:
One cell, but many parts
Many organisms
Multple layers
Many cells
 Choose the correct combination. (use scrap paper)
1. Multicellular        A. Does NOT have a nucleus2. Unicellular           B. DOES have a nucleus3. Heterotroph        C. Made of many cells4. Autotroph           D. Made of only ONE cell5. Eukaryote            E. Makes it's own food6. Prokaryote           F. Must find it's own food
1C, 2D, 3F, 4E, 5B, 6A
1A, 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E, 6F
1F, 2E, 3D, 4C, 5B, 6A
None of the above
Schwann studied animals and their cells, and concludedthat all animals are made up of cells.Schleiden studied plants and their cells, and concludedthat all plants are made up of cells.
Which statement is part of the cell theory that describes both of their work. 
 Functions of life occurs in cells
Cells are found only in multicellular organisms
All organisms are composed of cells
All cells have a cell wall
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