For Marx by Louis Althusser
  • 1. Which term describes the processes through which ideology shapes individuals?
A) Interpellation
B) Class struggle
C) Reification
D) Alienation
  • 2. What does Althusser argue about the function of ideology?
A) It leads to class consciousness
B) It is inherently false
C) It is merely a reflection of material reality
D) It serves to reproduce the conditions of production
  • 3. Althusser believes that Marx's work can be understood as a...
A) Break from humanism
B) Support for individual agency
C) Continuation of classical liberal thought
D) Rejection of historical materialism
  • 4. Which text highlights the distinction between 'scientific' and 'philosophical' socialism?
A) Capital
B) For Marx
C) The German Ideology
D) The Communist Manifesto
  • 5. What does Althusser identify as a significant break in Marx's thought?
A) From feudalism to capitalism
B) From capitalism to communism
C) From communalism to socialism
D) From idealism to a focus on production
  • 6. In Althusserian theory, 'the ISAs' refers to...
A) Industrial Social Associations
B) Ideological State Apparatuses
C) International State Agreements
D) Institutional State Authorities
  • 7. Where does Althusser believe the revolutionary potential lies?
A) In the unity of the proletariat
B) In the contradictions of capitalism
C) In the purity of Marxist doctrine
D) In idealist philosophy
  • 8. Althusser's view on Marx's contributions emphasizes...
A) The importance of biography in Marx's work
B) A focus on moral philosophies
C) A return to structuralism in analysis
D) The supremacy of individual action
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