Fidel Castro
  • 1. When was Fidel Castro born?
A) 1940
B) 1926
C) 1950
D) 1930
  • 2. Which revolution did Fidel Castro lead in Cuba?
A) American Revolution
B) Cuban Revolution
C) Russian Revolution
D) French Revolution
  • 3. Which country supported Fidel Castro's government during the Cold War?
A) United States
B) China
C) United Kingdom
D) Soviet Union
  • 4. What was the name of the failed invasion of Cuba that was backed by the CIA in 1961?
A) Gulf of Tonkin Incident
B) Bay of Pigs Invasion
C) Battle of Dien Bien Phu
D) Operation Desert Storm
  • 5. Which U.S. President imposed an embargo on Cuba during Fidel Castro's rule?
A) John F. Kennedy
B) Barack Obama
C) Bill Clinton
D) Richard Nixon
  • 6. In what year did Fidel Castro resign from the presidency of Cuba?
A) 2015
B) 1975
C) 1990
D) 2008
  • 7. What was the title of Fidel Castro's autobiography published in 2006?
A) Revolutionary Times
B) My Life
C) The Long March
D) A Revolutionary Journey
  • 8. Fidel Castro's guerrilla movement began in which mountain range in Cuba?
A) Himalayas
B) Andes
C) Rocky Mountains
D) Sierra Maestra
  • 9. Which U.S. President served during most of Fidel Castro's rule in Cuba?
A) Ronald Reagan
B) Franklin D. Roosevelt
C) Dwight D. Eisenhower
D) George W. Bush
  • 10. Which U.S. President announced the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with Cuba in 2014?
A) Bill Clinton
B) Donald Trump
C) George W. Bush
D) Barack Obama
  • 11. What was the name of the event in 1962 that almost led to a nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union over missiles in Cuba?
A) Korean War
B) Vietnam War
C) Berlin Airlift
D) Cuban Missile Crisis
  • 12. Whose overthrow inspired Fidel Castro to take up the revolutionary cause in Cuba?
A) Anastasio Somoza
B) Augusto Pinochet
C) Fulgencio Batista
D) Hugo Chávez
  • 13. What was Fidel Castro's profession before becoming a revolutionary leader?
A) Doctor
B) Lawyer
C) Engineer
D) Teacher
  • 14. Fidel Castro served as a leader in which guerrilla group during the Cuban Revolution?
A) 26th of July Movement
B) Sandinista National Liberation Front
C) Zapatista Army of National Liberation
D) Tupamaros
  • 15. Fidel Castro was a close ally of which 20th-century revolutionary leader from Argentina?
A) Hugo Chávez
B) Salvador Allende
C) Eva Perón
D) Che Guevara
  • 16. Fidel Castro visited which country in 1959 and made a famous speech at the Universidad de La Habana?
A) China
B) Soviet Union
C) United States
D) Mexico
  • 17. During his rule, what political ideology did Fidel Castro embrace?
A) Communism
B) Fascism
C) Socialism
D) Capitalism
  • 18. What nickname was Fidel Castro commonly known by among his supporters?
A) El Dictador
B) El Presidente
C) El Comandante
D) El Rey
  • 19. Which country did Fidel Castro receive military training in before leading the Cuban Revolution?
A) Soviet Union
B) Argentina
C) Mexico
D) United States
  • 20. What was the duration of Fidel Castro's rule in Cuba?
A) 59 years
B) 39 years
C) 29 years
D) 49 years
  • 21. Where is Fidel Castro buried?
A) Havana
B) Caracas
C) Santiago de Cuba
D) Miami
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