- 1. The Tempest, a play by William Shakespeare, is a breathtaking tale of magic, betrayal, and redemption set on a remote island. The story follows Prospero, a rightful duke who has been usurped from his position and has spent years in exile with his daughter Miranda. Using his magical powers, derived from his deep knowledge of science and the arcane, Prospero orchestrates a shipwreck that brings his usurping brother Antonio and other nobles to the island. As the play unfolds, themes of forgiveness and reconciliation emerge, particularly through Prospero's interactions with those who wronged him and his efforts to impart lessons of compassion. The island is inhabited by the spirit Ariel and the monstrous Caliban, who represent contrasting aspects of nature and humanity. Through a series of enchanting events, love blooms between Miranda and Ferdinand, the son of the King of Naples, symbolizing hope and new beginnings. The Tempest explores the complexities of power, the consequences of ambition, and the transformative power of love and mercy, culminating in a poignant finale that highlights the importance of human connection and the resolution of past grievances.
Who is the rightful Duke of Milan?
A) Antonio B) Prospero C) Miranda D) Ferdinand
- 2. What is the name of Prospero's spirit servant?
A) Ariel B) Stephano C) Caliban D) Gonzalo
- 3. Who is Caliban's mother?
A) Ariel B) Claribel C) Miranda D) Sycorax
A) Duke of Milan B) King of Naples C) Prospero's brother D) Caliban's father
- 5. What is Miranda’s relationship to Prospero?
A) Wife B) Sister C) Niece D) Daughter
- 6. What does Ariel seek from Prospero?
A) Power B) Revenge C) Freedom D) Love
A) A nobleman B) A magician C) A jester D) A sailor
- 8. Which character becomes a romantic lead?
A) Sebastian B) Ferdinand C) Alonso D) Antonio
- 9. What is the main theme of 'The Tempest'?
A) Forgiveness B) Betrayal C) Ambition D) Greed
- 10. What does the tempest symbolize?
A) Disorder and chaos B) Joy and celebration C) Peace and serenity D) Love and loyalty
- 11. What is Miranda's first reaction upon seeing Ferdinand?
A) Disgust B) Fear C) Anger D) Astonishment
- 12. Who does Ariel promise to keep enslaved?
A) Caliban B) Trinculo C) Stephano D) Ferdinand
- 13. Who is the daughter of Prospero?
A) Claribel B) Miranda C) Sycorax D) Ariel
- 14. Which character is the King of Naples?
A) Gonzalo B) Antonio C) Alonso D) Sebastian
- 15. What does Prospero use to control the island?
A) Magic B) Weapons C) Diplomacy D) Tricks
- 16. What item is crucial to Prospero's magic?
A) A wand B) A ring C) His books D) A potion
- 17. Which character provides comic relief in the play?
A) Caliban B) Trinculo C) Gonzalo D) Ferdinand