Black History Quiz #1 '13/'14
__1. Amistad RebellionA. first black family to settle in Kenosha
__2. Benjamin BannekerB. built the first clock; astronomer; photographic memory
__3. Daniel Hale WilliamsC. Africans being imported to Cuba;Spanish ship
__4. Dodge FamilyD. publisher of The North Star; black soldiers in Union Army
__5. Fourteenth AmendmentE. 300 slaves to freedom; Underground Railroad
__6. Frederick DouglasF. two "stations"; took runaway slaves to Lake Michigan
__7. Granville T. WoodsG. World's first successful heart operation
__8. Harriet TubmanH. speeches on slavery and women's rights; Isabella Baumfree
__9. Sojourner TruthI. guaranteed Blacks equal protection under law
__10. Underground Railroad KenoshaJ. "The Black Edison"; over 60 patents
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