Byzantine Empire under the Komnenos dynasty
  • 1. During which century did the Komnenos dynasty rule the Byzantine Empire?
A) 10th century
B) 12th century
C) 14th century
D) 7th century
  • 2. Which of the following was a major threat faced by the Byzantine Empire during the Komnenos dynasty?
A) Seljuk Turks
B) Mongols
C) Vikings
D) Franks
  • 3. Who was the last ruler of the Komnenos dynasty before the Angelos dynasty took over?
A) Andronikos I Komnenos
B) John II Komnenos
C) Manuel I Komnenos
D) Alexios II Komnenos
  • 4. What was the capital city of the Byzantine Empire during the Komnenos dynasty?
A) Constantinople
B) Nicaea
C) Thessaloniki
D) Adrianople
  • 5. What was the primary language used in the Byzantine Empire under the Komnenos dynasty?
A) Greek
B) Syriac
C) Latin
D) Armenian
  • 6. Which historical figure was associated with the Komnenos dynasty as the wife of Alexios I Komnenos?
A) Irene Doukaina
B) Anna Komnene
C) Theodora Porphyrogenita
D) Eudokia Makrembolitissa
  • 7. Who succeeded Alexios I Komnenos as emperor of the Byzantine Empire?
A) John II Komnenos
B) Theodore I Komnenos
C) Manuel I Komnenos
D) Andronikos I Komnenos
  • 8. Who initiated the First Crusade and sought help from Alexios I Komnenos of the Byzantine Empire?
A) Richard the Lionheart
B) Saladin
C) Pope Urban II
D) Frederick Barbarossa
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