A) By attending church regularly B) Through performing good deeds C) By following the Ten Commandments D) Through faith in Jesus Christ
A) Administering judgment to others B) Building churches C) Spreading the gospel to all nations D) Saying prayers in public
A) Feeling guilty without change B) Turning away from sin towards God C) Accepting sin as part of life D) Justifying sinful acts
A) The creation of the world B) The miracles performed by prophets C) The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross D) The giving of the law to Moses
A) Living free from challenges B) Deliverance from sin and its consequences C) Being a good person D) Achieving perfection
A) The need for law B) God's love and the gift of eternal life C) The condemnation of the world D) A warning against sin
A) A return to Old Testament laws B) God's ultimate judgment of the world C) A sign of grace D) The end of all time
A) Jesus Christ B) Peter C) Moses D) Paul |