Louis XIV dies and Louis XV succedes
  • 1. The death of Louis XIV on September 1, 1715, marked a pivotal moment in French history, ending a reign that lasted for seventy-two years and which was characterized by the consolidation of royal power, the flourishing of the arts, and frequent military conflicts across Europe. Known as the 'Sun King', Louis XIV's era was defined by the grandeur of Versailles, which embodied his absolute monarchy and the divine right of kings. Upon his passing, the French throne passed to his great-grandson, Louis XV, who was only five years old at the time, necessitating a regency under the Duke of Orléans. This transition highlighted the fragility of royal power in a time when France was grappling with significant financial strain and widespread discontent among the populace. Louis XV's ascent was marked by challenges, including the task of establishing his authority in a court that had become accustomed to the flamboyant style and strong leadership of his great-grandfather. As Louis XV grew to maturity, his reign would see both the continuation of the absolute monarchy and the beginnings of political and social tensions that would eventually lead to the French Revolution, thus making this shift of power a crucial turning point in the history of France.

    When did Louis XIV die?
A) 1699
B) 1715
C) 1705
D) 1750
  • 2. Who succeeded Louis XIV after his death?
A) Charles II
B) Catherine the Great
C) Napoleon Bonaparte
D) Louis XV
  • 3. Louis XIV was also known as the ________ king.
A) Moon
B) Star
C) Earth
D) Sun
  • 4. Which country did Louis XIV rule?
A) France
B) Germany
C) Spain
D) England
  • 5. Louis XIV believed in the absolute power of the __________.
A) Church
B) People
C) Monarchy
D) Nobles
  • 6. Louis XIV built the famous palace of ___________.
A) Alhambra
B) Versailles
C) Acropolis
D) Tower of London
  • 7. Which of the following is a famous quote by Louis XIV?
A) "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."
B) "To the victor belong the spoils."
C) "I am the state."
D) "The die is cast."
  • 8. Louis XV ruled France for ________ years.
A) 45
B) 59
C) 32
D) 71
  • 9. During the reign of Louis XV, France was involved in the _______ War.
A) Napoleonic
B) Hundred Years'
C) Seven Years'
D) Thirty Years'
  • 10. Which mistress was famously associated with Louis XV?
A) Anne Boleyn
B) Madame de Pompadour
C) Mary Queen of Scots
D) Catherine the Great
  • 11. Louis XV was known for his love of _______.
A) Simplicity
B) Luxury
C) Austerity
D) Adventure
  • 12. Which queen was Louis XV married to?
A) Anne of Austria
B) Catherine de' Medici
C) Marie Leszczyńska
D) Marie Antoinette
  • 13. Louis XV was born in which year?
A) 1690
B) 1735
C) 1748
D) 1710
  • 14. What was the name of Louis XV's son and successor?
A) Charles X
B) Louis XVI
C) Napoleon Bonaparte
D) Louis XVIII
  • 15. Louis XV's reign was marked by conflicts with which European power?
A) Austria
B) Britain
C) Spain
D) Russia
  • 16. In what year did Louis XV die?
A) 1774
B) 1805
C) 1760
D) 1799
  • 17. Which composer was a favorite of Louis XV?
A) Johann Sebastian Bach
B) Antonio Vivaldi
C) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
D) Jean-Philippe Rameau
  • 18. Louis XV's foreign policy was often focused on balancing the power of which two nations?
A) Russia and Sweden
B) Spain and Portugal
C) Austria and Prussia
D) England and France
  • 19. Which conflict marked a significant defeat for France during Louis XV's reign?
A) Napoleonic Wars
B) French Revolution
C) Hundred Years' War
D) Seven Years' War
  • 20. Which century did Louis XV rule in?
A) 17th
B) 19th
C) 16th
D) 18th
  • 21. Which cultural movement developed during the reign of Louis XV?
A) Baroque
B) Neoclassicism
C) Rococo
D) Romanticism
  • 22. Which treaty marked the end of the War of the Austrian Succession under Louis XV?
A) Treaty of Utrecht
B) Treaty of Paris
C) Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
D) Treaty of Versailles
  • 23. Who was the King of Spain during Louis XV's reign?
A) Charles III
B) Ferdinand VI
C) Philip V
D) Isabella II
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