AIC ss1 fishery revision questions 3rd term
  • 1. The term capture fisheries refers to
A) Fishing only in the ocean
B) Farming of fish in pond only
C) Fishing in any water body
D) Farming of fish in all water bodies
  • 2. The following are fish culture facilities except ______
A) Monks
B) Ponds
C) Tanks
D) Cages
  • 3. Aquaculture could be carried out in
A) Earthen pond, wooden frames and fibre glass tanks
B) Wooden frame and fibre glass tanks
C) Earthen pond and wooden frame
D) Earthen pond and fibre glass tanks
  • 4. …….. is specially designed tools for catching fish
A) Fishing gear
B) Fishing device
C) Fishing techniques
D) Fishing craft
  • 5. All but one is not true about maintaining fishing tools
A) To protect them from damage
B) To prolong the life span of the tools
C) To make them rust
D) To keep them functional
  • 6. The production of fish and other aquatic food organism in a marketable size
A) Industrial fishing
B) Chemical fishing
C) Capture fishery
D) Culture fishery
  • 7. The following are fishing gears except
A) Dugout canoes
B) Hook and line
C) Scoop net
D) Fishing spear
  • 8. One of the following is not true about Tilapia spp
A) They are monogamous
B) They are substrate brooders
C) They are polygamous
D) Both parents care for the eggs and young
  • 9. Which of these is not true of concrete pond
A) It can be constructed in water
B) It is easy to manage
C) Diseases are easy to detect
D) It cannot be flooded
  • 10. Off shore cultivation is also known as
A) Cage culture
B) Pond
C) Pen culture
D) Flow through
  • 11. ________ are used for harvesting fish in natural or artificial ponds.
A) Barriers
B) Knives
C) Baskets
D) Fences
  • 12. The use of electricity to catch fish by creating electric fields is
A) Barriers
B) Electro fishing
C) Knives
D) Fences
  • 13. Nocturnal fishes are
A) Active at night
B) Active in the morning
C) Polygamous
D) Active in the afternoon
  • 14. Fish culture facilities are all except
A) Pit
B) Tank
C) Cage
D) Pen
  • 15. Which of the following is not a feature of fish?
A) Cold blooded
B) Possess fins
C) Lives entirely on land
D) Possess gills
  • 16. Which of the following is a feature of small scale fishery
A) Expensive
B) Large equipment
C) Labour intensive
D) Capital intensive
  • 17. The following are external features of a fish except
A) Fins
B) Brain
C) Scales
D) Mouth
  • 18. Fish meal, fish oil, fish mince are called
A) Feed additives
B) Raw materials
C) Fish meals
D) By products
  • 19. The union of two gametes (egg and milt) to form a zygote is called
A) Fertilization
B) Ejaculation
C) Ovulation
D) Reproduction
  • 20. What is the area of an earthen pond whose length is 215m2 and breath is 115m2?
A) 24725m2
B) 100m2
C) 12362.5m2
D) 330m2
  • 21. One of the following is not a feature of fish
A) Cold blooded
B) Warm blooded
C) Possess fin
D) Possess gills
  • 22. ________ fishery is also known as culture based capture fishery
A) Enhanced
B) Gill
C) Scaled
D) Capture
  • 23. ________ mouth can be extended forward or backwards especially during feeding
A) Terminal
B) Superior
C) Inferior
D) Protrusible
  • 24. A Young fish that has fully developed scales but it is smaller than the adult fish in is called
A) Fish
B) Juvenile
C) Pond
D) Fry
  • 25. ......... refers to group of fish(es)
A) Fry
B) Pond
C) School
D) Fingerlings
  • 26. ....... Is an artificial body of water where fish(es) can be reared
A) River
B) Fishery
C) Pond
D) School
  • 27. ......... Is an equipment used to harvest fish
A) Fishing gills
B) Fishing gear
C) Fishing wear
D) Fishing catch
  • 28. ...... is the act of rearing different species of fishing the same pond
A) Mono culture
B) Interculture
C) Polyculture
D) Multiculture
  • 29. ....... is the crossing be of two individuals within the same family but of different species
A) Interculture
B) Hybridization
C) Polyculture
D) Monoculture
  • 30. ......... Is the use of a spare or any sharp pointed object to catch fish
A) Aeration
B) Fishing gear
C) Hybridization
D) Impaling
  • 31. Fish can be processed by into fish by products such as all except
A) Manure
B) Fish oil
C) Fish meat
D) Fish hair
  • 32. Fishery provides the following opportunities except
A) Fish Serve as source of protein
B) Employment
C) Create raw materials for textile industry
D) As recreation center
  • 33. Production is converting raw materials into
A) Mineral salt
B) Finished product
C) Anything
D) Invisible things
  • 34. Production can be categorized into
A) 4
B) 2
C) 3
D) 5
  • 35. ...... Is the transformation of fish into semi finished or final fish products acceptable to the consumer
A) Secondary production
B) Semi skilled production
C) Tertiary production
D) Primary production
  • 36. .......... Involve modern equipment and highly skilled manpower
A) Indirect production
B) Minimum production
C) Maximum production
D) Direct production
  • 37. Fish processing involve
A) De buying
B) De cooking
C) De washing
D) De scaling
  • 38. Goods and services are moved from the producer to the
A) Destroyer
B) Manufacturer
C) All of the options
D) Consumer
  • 39. ....... are exchanged in a market process
A) Time
B) Fight
C) Product
D) Rights
  • 40. Marketing involve ......... Of the product
A) Pricing
B) Destroying
C) Keeping
D) Stealing
  • 41. .......... Involve in the wholesale distribution of products
A) Secondary market
B) Primary market
C) Tertiary market
D) Higher market
  • 42. Market locations include all except
A) Fish mongers
B) Supermarket
C) Bars
D) Mosque
  • 43. One of the importance of marketing in fishery is
A) Create gossip arena
B) Creates job opportunities
C) Thugs are mostly engaged
D) It encourage illiteracy
  • 44. ...... are traditionally fish marketing and distribution systems located in villages, landing sites etc
A) Secondary market
B) Primary market
C) Tertiary market
D) Higher market
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