• 1. 1. Cholera is mostly spread by
A) a) air
B) c) water
C) d) noise
D) b) soil
  • 2. 2. When bacteria are arranged in chains, they are called?
A) d) bacilli
B) a) Spirilla
C) c) streptococci
D) b) staphylococci
  • 3. 3. Viruses are considered to be living organisms because they.
A) a) possess transmittable characters
B) c) respond to stimulation
C) b) move from one place to another
D) d) ingest food materials
  • 4. 4. Which of the following is not a protozoan?
A) a) paramecium
B) c) penicillium
C) d) Amoeba
D) b) plasmodium
  • 5. 5. Which of the following best describes a culture solution?
A) b) A population of weeds cultivated in a medium
B) d) Solution containing dead organisms
C) a) A population of micro-organisms cultivated in a medium
D) c) Solution containing different chemicals
  • 6. 6. Which of the following is a primary benefit of regular physical exercise?
A) a) Increased stress levels
B) d) Increased risk of chronic diseases
C) c) Decreased energy levels
D) b) Improved cardiovascular health
  • 7. 7. Which of the following is a common method to prevent the spread of infectious diseases?
A) a) Sharing personal items
B) c) Avoiding vaccinations
C) b) Frequent hand washing
D) d) Eating processed foods
  • 8. 8. Which nutrient is essential for building and repairing body tissues?
A) b) Proteins
B) c) Fats
C) a) Carbohydrates
D) d) Vitamins
  • 9. 9. Trypanosomiasis is associated with
A) a) mosquitoes
B) b) house fly
C) d) cockroach
D) c) tsetse fly
  • 10. 10. Which of following infection is unlikely to respond to antibiotic treatment
A) a) typhoid fever
B) b) ringworm
C) d) tetanus
D) c) measles
  • 11. 11. Transmission of the malaria parasite is affected through the bite of the
A) a) Male anopheles mosquitoes
B) b) Female anopheles mosquitoes
C) c) Infected male anopheles mosquitoes
D) d) Infected Aides mosquitoes
  • 12. 12. The drugs which inhibit the growth of the disease-causing organism and are thus used in the treatment of infection are referred to as
A) c) antitoxic
B) d) septic
C) a) antiobiotic
D) b) antibodies
  • 13. 13. Which of these diseases cannot be spread by an insect?
A) d) Measles
B) b) malaria
C) a) cholera
D) c) trypanosomiasis
  • 14. 14. Which of the following statements about poliomyelitis is not correct ?
A) c) can be prevented by immunization.
B) b) is capable of paralyzing the limbs
C) a) is a bacterial disease.
D) d) is an infant disease
  • 15. 15. Viruses are pathogen of the following diseases expect
A) d) tuberculosis
B) c) poliomyelitis
C) b) smallpox
D) a) measles
  • 16. 16. Which of these is not correct about the tsetse fly and mosquito? They
A) c) have intermediate hosts
B) d) inject diseases causing organisms into the blood stream
C) a) harbor protozoa as disease agent.
D) b) possess piecing and sucking mouth part
  • 17. 17. Which of these is a vector of malaria fever?
A) a) female anopheles mosquito.
B) c) female culex mosquito.
C) d) male culex mosquito
D) b) male anopheles mosquito
  • 18. 18. Sickle-cell anaemia has persisted in the human race due to
A) b) carriers being more resistant to malaria.
B) a) lack of proper medical for sicklers.
C) d) Wildlife intermediate host.
D) c) Mosquito vectors.
  • 19. 19. One of the methods of preventing measles is by
A) a) sleeping under a mosquito net
B) d) vaccinating young children
C) b) attacking the vector
D) c) attacking the secondary host.
  • 20. 20. Which of the following parasites is a flatworm?
A) d) schistosoma.
B) c) Ascaris
C) a) plasmodium
D) b) trypanosome
  • 21. Part 2
    Section B

    Instructions: Attempt One question in this section.

    1. (a) One bacterial parasite of humans.

    (b) List four symptoms of malaria.

    (c) Mention six methods of controlling malaria in West Africa.

    2. (a) What are microorganisms?

    (i) List five groups of microorganisms with two examples of each

    (ii) Describe ways by which microorganisms can be transmitted

    (b) State four factors that can affect the growth of microorganisms.

    Section C

    Instructions: Attempt One question in this section.

    3. (a) State the vectors and the diseases caused by the following organisms (i) plasmodium (ii) trypanosome (iii) vibro-cholerea

    (b) List three ways of measuring the growth of bacteria.

    4. (a) Mention five sexually transmitted diseases

    (i) State the causative organisms of the diseases mentioned above.

    (b) What are sexually transmitted infections?

    (i) What is the full meaning of the following? HIV, AIDS, STDs, STIs, HPV.
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