Comets and Asteroids
  • 1. What are comets primarily made of?
A) Diamonds and crystals
B) Ice and dust
C) Rock and metal
D) Gas and plasma
  • 2. What is the name of the spacecraft that landed on a comet for the first time in 2014?
A) Apollo
B) Rosetta
C) Voyager
D) Galileo
  • 3. What is the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt?
A) Pallas
B) Hygiea
C) Ceres
D) Vesta
  • 4. Who discovered the first asteroid, Ceres, in 1801?
A) Giuseppe Piazzi
B) Charles Messier
C) Johann Bode
D) Edmond Halley
  • 5. What is the process called when an asteroid or comet impacts a planet or moon?
A) Fusion
B) Erosion
C) Cratering
D) Collapsing
  • 6. What is the region in space where most comets originate from?
A) Asteroid Belt
B) Scattered Disc
C) Oort Cloud
D) Kuiper Belt
  • 7. Which famous comet has a periodicity of approximately 76 years?
A) McNaught Comet
B) Hale-Bopp Comet
C) Halley's Comet
D) Lovejoy Comet
  • 8. What is the term for a group of asteroids that share similar orbits and characteristics?
A) Nebula
B) Asteroid family
C) Star cluster
D) Galactic group
  • 9. At what point in its orbit is a comet farthest from the Sun?
A) Perihelion
B) Zenith
C) Aphelion
D) Ecliptic
  • 10. What is the term for asteroids that have orbits crossing Earth's path?
A) Interstellar Objects
B) Near-Earth Objects (NEOs)
C) Trans-Neptunian Objects
D) Main Belt Asteroids
  • 11. Which spacecraft visited the asteroid Eros and transmitted detailed images back to Earth?
A) Dawn
C) Hayabusa
D) NEAR Shoemaker
  • 12. Which scientist first proposed the concept of the Oort Cloud in 1950?
A) Jan Oort
B) Carl Sagan
C) Johannes Kepler
D) Edmond Halley
  • 13. What is the name of the spacecraft that rendezvoused with the comet Wild 2 and collected samples to return to Earth?
A) Cassini
B) Voyager
C) New Horizons
D) Stardust
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