AIC SS 2 Government 3rd Term Exam 2022/23
  • 1. 1. One of the following is the reason for conducting election
A) Strengthening the powers of the political parties
B) Uniting the people
C) To ensure peaceful changing of government
D) Creating more political parties
  • 2. 2. The appointment, promotion and discipline of the civil servants are the responsibilities of _____
A) Civil service commission
B) Civil service union
C) Government
D) Electoral commission
  • 3. 3. Public opinion enables the government to ____
A) Organize political conferences
B) To know the people's opinions about its activities
C) Punish political opponents
D) Allow the public to have freedon
  • 4. 4. An election conducted to resolve important political issues facing a country is called ____
A) Referendum
B) Bye- election
C) General election
D) Primary election
  • 5. 5. Local government laws are known as_____
A) Orders
B) Acts
C) Bye laws
D) Decrees
  • 6. 6. The policy of control by one people or power over other people or areas by establishing colonies and generally with the aim of economic dominance is _____
A) Nationalism
B) Colonialism
C) Federalism
D) Imperialism
  • 7. 7. One of the following is not the reason for colonialism
A) Religious reasons
B) Investing surplus capital
C) Africa independence
D) Geographical importance
  • 8. 8. The use of cultural, economic and political pressure to influence and control decisions in independent countries that were formal colonies is _____
A) Political control
B) Neo-colonialism
C) Feudalism
D) Colonialism
  • 9. 9. A system of administration in which the British colonial government adopted as its colonial policy in dealing with the people is called ______
A) Authority
B) Indirect rule
C) Policy of assimilation
D) Rule of law
  • 10. 10. The NCBWA was founded in ____
A) 1917
B) 1770
C) 1970
D) 1817
  • 11. 11. One of the following is not a provision for Clifford Constitution of 1922
A) Proclamation
B) The Cabinet Member
C) The Executive Council
D) The Legislative Council
  • 12. 12. The Governor of Nigeria at the outbreak of the second world war was ____
A) Shehu Shagari
B) Richard Bourdillon
C) David John
D) John Richard
  • 13. 13. The Governor was in office between year _____&____
A) 1939 and 1954
B) 1939 and 1944
C) 1925 and 1930
D) 1935 and 1940
  • 14. 14. The following except one is not the features of Richard Constitution
A) Legislative powers
B) Bi-cameral legislature
C) Regionalism
D) Independence of the Judiciary
  • 15. 15. Aims and objectives of Richard Constitution include _____
A) Inspiration
B) Court of Appeals
C) Political and National conscious
D) A broad based Constitution
  • 16. 16. The provisions for MacPherson Constitution include all but one
A) Council of ministers
B) Board of Directors
C) The Chief Commissioners
D) The Three provinces
  • 17. 17. MacPherson Constitution's weaknesses include the following except one
A) Kano riot of 1953
B) The motion for self government
C) Dominated by illiterates
D) Veto power
  • 18. 18. _____ Constitution was revised through conferences and the product of the revision exercise was Lyttleton Constitution
A) Clifford Constitution
B) Independent Constitution
C) MacPherson Constitution
D) Richard Constitution
  • 19. 19. Main characteristics of the Independence Constitution of 1960 include ___
A) Executive power
B) Appointment of ministers
C) Parliamentary system.
D) Census figures
  • 20. 20. All the following were frontline fighters for Nigeria's Independence except ____
A) Aminu Kano
B) Herbert Macaulay
C) Obafemi Awolowo
D) Lateef Jakande
  • 21. 21. Nigeria became a federation under the 1954 Constitution because the Constitution _____
A) Provided for equal representation between the North and South
B) Provided for a division of functions between the centre and the component units
C) Created the post of a Prime Minister
D) Abolished the practice of nominating some members of parliament
  • 22. 22. The first president of the National Council for Nigeria and Camerouns (NCNC) was _____
A) Herbert Macaulay
B) Ernest Okoli
C) Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe
D) Dr. Micheal Okpara
  • 23. 23. The Kano riots of 1953 is significant because
A) The police couldn't arrest the rioters, thus nobody was charged to court
B) Many innocent lives were lost
C) It was the first outbreak of violence between the major political parties
D) It involves rioting between Igbos and Hausas
  • 24. 24. Who among the following was not a founding father of the Nigeria Youth Movement
A) Nnamdi Azikiwe
B) Samuel Akinsanya
C) Ernest Ikoli
D) Dr. C. Vaughan
  • 25. 25. The Jumiyya Mutanem Arewa cultural group later developed into the ______
A) United Middle Belt Congress
B) Northern People's Congress
C) Jamiyya People's Party
D) Nigeria National Democratic Party
  • 26. 26. Action Group was _____
A) The first political party in Western state
B) An association that teamed up with the NYM to fight the NCNC
C) A cultural association that sought the unity of the Yorubas
D) A political party that fought the British
  • 27. 27. The NCNC was formed in ____
A) 1951
B) 1923
C) 1936
D) 1944
  • 28. 28. One of the importance of federalism is that
A) Any components part can secede at any time
B) Citizens can only be loyal to the state government
C) Each state can develop at its own pace
D) Citizens cannot be taxed by both State and federal government
  • 29. 29. The immediate cause of the 1953 Kano riot was the ____
A) Existence of regionally based political parties
B) Humiliation of Northern legislators in Lagos
C) Ambition of some politicians to secure Independence from British by force
D) Weakness of 1946 Richard Constitution
  • 30. 30. The 1953 motion that Nigeria should attain self government in 1956 was moved by _____
A) Chief Obafemi Awolowo
B) Sir Ahmadu Bello
C) Nnamdi Azikiwe
D) Chief Anthony Enahoro
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