Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • 1. Which famous work did Rousseau write that begins with the line 'Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains'?
A) The Social Contract
B) Emile, or On Education
C) Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men
D) Confessions
  • 2. Rousseau's ideas greatly influenced which political movement?
A) French Revolution
B) Russian Revolution
C) American Revolution
D) Chinese Communist Revolution
  • 3. According to Rousseau's philosophy, sovereignty should reside in which entity?
A) The General Will
B) The Monarch
C) The Aristocracy
D) The People
  • 4. Rousseau believed that inequality arose with the establishment of what?
A) Religious Institutions
B) Educational Systems
C) Private Property
D) Political Parties
  • 5. Which writer and philosopher was a contemporary of Jean-Jacques Rousseau?
A) Voltaire
B) Locke
C) Descartes
D) Kant
  • 6. What term did Rousseau use to describe the collective will that aims at the common good?
A) Popular Will
B) Individual Will
C) General Will
D) Majority Rule
  • 7. Rousseau argued that children should be educated according to their what?
A) Gender
B) Parents' Will
C) Social Class
D) Nature
  • 8. Rousseau's work 'Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men' is also known as what?
A) Social Discourse
B) First Discourse
C) Second Discourse
D) Political Discourse
  • 9. Rousseau had a significant influence on which later Romantic poet?
A) John Keats
B) Lord Byron
C) Percy Bysshe Shelley
D) William Wordsworth
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