AIC JS 1 Prevoc Revision Test for 3rd Term 2022/23
  • 1. Agriculture is best defined as the production of....... for man's use.
A) Wild animals
B) Vegetables
C) Cash crops only
D) Crops and farm animals
  • 2. Benefits of agriculture include the following except....
A) Employment
B) Foreign exchange
C) Thuggery
D) Revenue
  • 3. The raw material used in textile industry is............
A) Cotton
B) Tobacco
C) Plantain
D) Cocoa
  • 4. A storage pest of maize is........
A) Grasshopper
B) Beetle
C) Weevil
D) Termite
  • 5. Planting of crops and rearing of farm animals on the same pieces of land is known as......
A) Mixed farming
B) Inter cropping
C) Pastoral farming
D) Micro farming
  • 6. All the following belong to the poultry.......
A) Tilapia
B) Guinea fowl
C) Turkey
D) Pigeons
  • 7. The........ Manufacture food for the plant
A) Root
B) Leaf
C) Flowers
D) Stem
  • 8. An example of a rodent is.....
A) Cricket
B) Grasshopper
C) Rat
D) Antelop
E) Elephant
  • 9. ........ Can destroy maize or beans in storage
A) Housefly
B) Weevils
C) Sun
D) Cold
  • 10. The following are agricultural practices in Nigeria except.....
A) Fishing
B) Weed cultivation
C) Hunting
D) Animal rearing
  • 11. The first type of farming system practiced in Nigeria is......,
A) Mixed farming
B) Mulching
C) Crop rotation
D) Monocropping
  • 12. Agriculture provides a variety of job opportunities to young school leavers in the following ways except......
A) Ministry of agriculture
B) Research institutes
C) Mosque
D) Banks
  • 13. ............ are animals that give birth to their young ones alive and feed them with milk from the mammary glands
A) Reptiles
B) Mammals
C) Fish
D) Bird
  • 14. Cowpea found growing in a rice farm will be regarded as a........
A) Bonus
B) Vegetable
C) Manure
D) Weed
  • 15. Weeds can be used for the following except...........
A) Drugs
B) Increase crop yield
C) Food
D) Controlling erosion
  • 16. The word agriculture is coined from two latin words........ and........
A) Land, cultivation
B) Land, ager
C) Ager, cultivation
D) Ager, cultural
  • 17. Which of the following groups of crop can not thrive more than a year ?
A) Coffee
B) Oil palm
C) Rubber
D) Tomato
  • 18. Examples of biting and chewing insect pests include all except......
A) Beetles
B) Rat
C) Bird
D) Bat
  • 19. The use of machinery, skilled labour and large areas farmland are all characteristics of ......
A) Mixed cropping
B) Commercial farming
C) Subsistence farming
D) Monocropping
  • 20. The following records must be kept by a farm manager except.....
A) Farm diary
B) Marriage record
C) Labour record
D) Sales record
  • 21. Living organisms that destroy agricultural products when stored are known as.....
A) Pets
B) Pests
C) Wild animals
D) Farm animals
  • 22. ........... Is a process by which green plants manufacture their food.
A) Transportation
B) Fertilization
C) Photosynthesis
D) Pollination
  • 23. When a farmer produces for himself and his family needs, he is practicing........ Farming
A) Subsistence farming
B) Real farming
C) Natural farming
D) Family farming
  • 24. The seasonal movement of livestock by the farmer from place to place in search of food and water is called.......
A) Ley farming
B) Real farming
C) Normadic farming
D) Ranching
  • 25. The chemicals used in control of weeds are called......
A) Herbicides
B) Weedicides
C) Pesticides
D) Insecticides
  • 26. A major source of milk for human consumption is obtained from....
A) Pig
B) Cow
C) Sheep
D) Goat
  • 27. Science and technology have contributed to agriculture in the production of all these except...
A) Crude tools
B) Fertilizer
C) Pesticides
D) Machinery
  • 28. A typical storage pest of crops is....
A) Locust
B) Grasshopper
C) Aphid
D) Weavil
  • 29. Example of poultry animal is
A) Duck
B) Vulture
C) Rat
D) Donkey
  • 30. Agriculture provides all these benefits except....
A) Life
B) Shelter
C) Cloth
D) Food
  • 31. Problems facing subsistence farming include the following except......
A) Pests and diseases are not controlled
B) Crude farm tools are used
C) Availability of loan
D) Farmers are illiterates
  • 32. Agriculture contributes to the economy of nigeria in the following ways except......
A) Employment opportunities
B) Early marriage
C) Supply of raw materials
D) Foreign exchange
  • 33. The outer layer covering of the earth on which plants grow is called....
A) Soil
B) Granites
C) Rock
D) Minerals
  • 34. Mixed farming means
A) Cultivation of crops and rearing of farm animals
B) Mixing two types of soil before planting on it
C) Mixing two crops for planting
D) Keeping of goat and chickens
  • 35. The physical method of control of crop pests is
A) Using killer machine
B) By hand pick
C) By using chemicals
D) Burning
  • 36. Heavy attack of crops by pests may result in
A) Increase in quality
B) Total crop failure
C) Quick germination
D) High yield
  • 37. Non insect pests include all except
A) Goats
B) Monkeys
C) Weevils
D) Sheeps
  • 38. Keeping imported seeds, plant products, plants and animals ,soil etc in isolation and under observation for a period of time is called.....
A) Plant rotation
B) Personal decision
C) Observation method
D) Quarantine
  • 39. Weeding means
A) Using weeds as food
B) Uprooting the weeds
C) Planting more weeds
D) Mixing weeds with crops
  • 40. .......... the type of soil is good for moulding
A) Humus
B) Sandy
C) Clay
D) Loamy
  • 41. ........... are gotten from livestock industry except
A) Plastics
B) Milk
C) Meat
D) Feather
  • 42. We use fertilizers to........... On the farmland
A) Destroy a particular plant on the farm
B) Increase fertility of the soil
C) Reduce fertility of the soil
D) Poison the animals
  • 43. Local tools include all except
A) Hoe
B) Cutlass
C) Tractor
D) Watering can
  • 44. The types of soil that is sticky when wet, holds water and excludes air is called.....
A) Sandy
B) Granite
C) Loamy
D) Clay
  • 45. ............ Is often referred to as assests
A) Labour
B) Land
C) Water
D) Capital
  • 46. The free gift of nature includes all except ........
A) Rainfall
B) Capital
C) Water
D) Soil
  • 47. ........... Can be bought or rent
A) Capital
B) Land
C) Enterprenuer
D) Labour
  • 48. ............ includes buildings, machines, roads, inputs and materials used
A) Land
B) Labour
C) Mineral resources
D) Capital
  • 49. ........ refers to living environment of an organism
A) Habitat
B) Abattoir
C) School
D) River
  • 50. Which of the following industries does not use agricultural raw materials?
A) textile industry
B) automobile industry
C) food processing industry
D) pharmaceutical industry
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