Michelangelo (artist)
  • 1. When did Michelangelo die?
A) 1500
B) 1600
C) 1564
D) 1700
  • 2. In which city did Michelangelo die?
A) Florence
B) Rome
C) Milan
D) Venice
  • 3. What was Michelangelo's full name?
A) Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
B) Michelangelo Buonaparte
C) Michelangelo da Vinci
D) Michelangelo della Rovere
  • 4. What was Michelangelo's profession?
A) Philosopher
B) Artist
C) Composer
D) Astronomer
  • 5. Which Pope commissioned Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling?
A) Pope Julius II
B) Pope Alexander VI
C) Pope Paul III
D) Pope Leo X
  • 6. How old was Michelangelo when he began working on the Sistine Chapel ceiling?
A) 25
B) 33
C) 50
D) 40
  • 7. What was Michelangelo's primary medium for his sculptures?
A) Marble
B) Bronze
C) Wood
D) Clay
  • 8. Which art form did Michelangelo primarily excel in?
A) Architecture
B) Poetry
C) Sculpture
D) Painting
  • 9. Where was Michelangelo born?
A) Caprese
B) Berlin
C) Paris
D) London
  • 10. What did Michelangelo famously paint on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
A) Guernica
B) The School of Athens
C) The Last Supper
D) Creation of Adam
  • 11. What was the name of the tomb sculpted by Michelangelo which originally supposed to be for Pope Julius II?
A) Moses
B) Pieta
C) David
D) Last Judgment
  • 12. Which artistic movement was Michelangelo associated with?
A) Baroque
B) Abstract Expressionism
C) Impressionism
D) High Renaissance
  • 13. The Last Judgment fresco is located in which chapel?
A) Cappella Paolina
B) Medici
C) St. Peter's Basilica
D) Sistine
  • 14. Who sculpted the tomb for Michelangelo in the Basilica of Santa Croce?
A) Giuliano da Sangallo
B) Antonio Canova
C) Artemisia Gentileschi
D) Giorgio Vasari
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