Hittite empire established in Asia Minor
  • 1. When was the Hittite Empire established in Asia Minor?
A) 1000 BC
B) 1600 BC
C) 500 BC
D) 200 AD
  • 2. Which city served as the capital of the Hittite Empire?
A) Hattusa
B) Pergamon
C) Troy
D) Ephesus
  • 3. What significant invention are the Hittites credited with introducing?
A) Paper
B) Gunpowder
C) Ironworking
D) Printing Press
  • 4. Who was the most famous Hittite king known for his military campaigns?
A) Tudhaliya IV
B) Mursili II
C) Hattusili III
D) Suppiluliuma I
  • 5. What religious practice were the Hittites known for?
A) Sun Worship
B) Polytheism
C) Atheism
D) Monotheism
  • 6. What region did the Hittite Empire primarily cover?
A) Mesopotamia
B) Greece
C) Egypt
D) Anatolia
  • 7. Which empire was a major rival to the Hittites?
A) Babylon
B) Persia
C) Assyria
D) Egypt
  • 8. What important document from the Hittite Empire is one of the oldest known peace treaties?
A) Rosetta Stone
B) Hammurabi's Code
C) Magna Carta
D) Treaty of Kadesh
  • 9. Who deciphered the Hittite language in the early 20th century?
A) Bedřich Hrozný
B) Heinrich Schliemann
C) Howard Carter
D) Jean-François Champollion
  • 10. What group of people is believed to have contributed to the downfall of the Hittite Empire?
A) Assyrians
B) Minoans
C) Sea Peoples
D) Persians
  • 11. Who was the founder of the Hittite Empire?
A) Mursili I
B) Hattusili I
C) Tudhaliya I
D) Labarna I
  • 12. What form of government did the Hittites have?
A) Oligarchy
B) Theocracy
C) Republic
D) Monarchy
  • 13. What was the Hittites' main economic activity?
A) Agriculture
B) Mining
C) Trade
D) Fishing
  • 14. What was the Hittites' method of writing called?
A) Runes
B) Cuneiform
C) Alphabet
D) Hieroglyphics
  • 15. What major battle did the Hittites fight against the Egyptians?
A) Battle of Gaugamela
B) Battle of Marathon
C) Battle of Thermopylae
D) Battle of Kadesh
  • 16. What were the Hittites known for using in warfare?
A) War Elephants
B) Catapults
C) Navy
D) Chariots
  • 17. What metal is associated with the Hittites' advanced technology and weapons?
A) Bronze
B) Gold
C) Silver
D) Iron
  • 18. Who was considered the last great ruler of the Hittite Empire?
A) Puduhepa
B) Tudhaliya V
C) Hattusili IV
D) Suppiluliuma II
  • 19. Which Hittite king signed the first known peace treaty?
A) Hattusili III
B) Muwatalli II
C) Suppiluliuma I
D) Tudhaliya IV
  • 20. What material was the Hittite writing mainly inscribed on?
A) Papyrus
B) Metal plates
C) Clay tablets
D) Stone slabs
  • 21. What modern country corresponds to the location of the Hittite empire?
A) Syria
B) Turkey
C) Greece
D) Lebanon
  • 22. Which significant event led to the decline of the Hittite empire?
A) Mongol invasions
B) Roman conquest
C) Crusades
D) Bronze Age collapse
  • 23. What linguistic family does the Hittite language belong to?
A) Austronesian
B) Indo-European
C) Semitic
D) Dravidian
  • 24. Which ancient people had a vassalage treaty with the Hittites?
A) Persians
B) Phoenicians
C) Greeks
D) Mitanni
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