Weather Assessment Part 1
  • 1. the layer of the atmosphere in which we live
A) exosphere
B) troposphere
C) mesosphere
D) thermosphere
  • 2. A layer in the stratosphere the blocks most of the Sun's harmful UV rays
A) dead zone
B) ozone
C) strato-zone
D) meso-zone
  • 3. the layers are determined by
A) air pressure
B) altitude
C) temperature
D) size
  • 4. temperature is measured by
A) anemometer
B) barometer
C) thermometer
D) hydrometer
  • 5. wind speed is measured by
A) hygrometer
B) anemometer
C) thermometer
D) barometer
  • 6. wind DIRECTION is indicated by
A) wind vane
B) anemometer
C) barometer
D) thermometer
  • 7. rain is measured by
A) water bottle
B) rain gauge
C) fogometer
D) rain stick
  • 8. air pressure is measured by
A) wind vane
B) anemometer
C) hygrometer
D) barometer
  • 9. the average weather conditions in an area over a long time
A) climate
B) tropical
C) storms
D) weather
  • 10. where two air masses meet
A) tropical
B) vortex
C) front
D) mass-meeting
  • 11. scientist who studies weather & the atmosphere
A) weatherologist
B) meteorologist
C) predictor
D) mad scientist
  • 12. altitude of zero is
A) cold
B) flat
C) sea level
D) mountain top
  • 13. two air masses that come together neither of which is strong enough to replace the other
A) warm front
B) cold front
C) stationary front
D) twin masses
  • 14. severe weather is most often caused by a
A) stationary front
B) no front
C) warm front
D) cold front
  • 15. wispy clouds high in the atmosphere
A) cirrus
B) stratus
C) nimbus
D) cumulus
  • 16. white fluffy clouds
A) nimbus
B) cirrus
C) stratus
D) cumulus
  • 17. huge thunder clouds
A) cumulosnimbus
B) cumulus
C) cirrus
D) stratus
  • 18. which clouds mean a sever lightening storm
A) cirrus
B) cumulus
C) cumulonimbus
D) nimbus
  • 19. low dark clouds, sometime in layers
A) stratus
B) cumulus
C) cirrus
D) cumulonimbus
  • 20. the most common gas in our atmosphere
A) helium
B) carbon dioxide
C) oxygen
D) nitrogen
  • 21. air mass that is wet and warm
A) continental polar
B) maritime polar
C) maritime tropical
D) continental tropical
  • 22. the weight of the atmosphere
A) humidity
B) stationary
C) air pressure
D) altitude
  • 23. the layer of the atmosphere where weather occurs
A) troposphere
B) ozone
C) mesosphere
D) thermosphere
  • 24. Water molecules change from a liquid to a gas
A) condensation
B) evaporation
C) filtration
D) precipitation
  • 25. warm air moves over cold air (because it's less dense)
A) cold front
B) warm front
C) stationary front
D) none of these
  • 26. the gases that surround the Earth
A) hydrosphere
B) biosphere
C) geosphere
D) atmosphere
  • 27. cold air is more dense than warm air
A) false
B) true
  • 28. the layers of the atmosphere are all the same temperature
A) true
B) false
  • 29. listening to the weather forecast is important because
A) it can save your life
B) it's fun
C) it can help you in school
D) it will help you fall asleep
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