  • 1. What continent are llamas native to?
A) Africa
B) South America
C) Australia
D) Asia
  • 2. What is the scientific name for llamas?
A) Lama glama
B) Alpaca pacos
C) Vicugna vicugna
D) Camelus dromedarius
  • 3. What do llamas primarily eat?
A) Fish
B) Chocolate
C) Ice cream
D) Grass
  • 4. What noise do llamas make when they are agitated or threatened?
A) Croaking
B) Barking
C) Mooing
D) Humming
  • 5. How many compartments does a llama's stomach have?
A) 4
B) 1
C) 3
D) 2
  • 6. What color are llama's eyes typically?
A) Blue
B) Red
C) Brown
D) Green
  • 7. What is the proper term for a group of llamas?
A) School
B) Pack
C) Herd
D) Flock
  • 8. Llamas are in the same family as which other animal?
A) Elephants
B) Camels
C) Dogs
D) Cats
  • 9. How many toes do llamas have on each foot?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 2
  • 10. What is the primary difference between llamas and alpacas?
A) Sound
B) Habitat
C) Color
D) Size
  • 11. What is the natural habitat of the wild llama ancestor?
A) Siberian Tundra
B) Andes Mountains
C) Sahara Desert
D) Amazon Rainforest
  • 12. What family do llamas belong to?
A) Canidae
B) Camelidae
C) Felidae
D) Cervidae
  • 13. What is a baby llama called?
A) Foal
B) Calf
C) Kid
D) Cria
  • 14. Llamas are often used as _________ to protect livestock from predators.
A) Riders
B) Entertainers
C) Guardians
D) Hunters
  • 15. Llamas are related to which other domesticated animal?
A) Rabbits
B) Cows
C) Snakes
D) Alpacas
  • 16. What is the gestation period of a llama?
A) 8 months
B) 1 year
C) 6 months
D) 11 months
  • 17. In which ancient civilization were llamas revered and considered sacred animals?
A) Egyptian
B) Inca
C) Greek
D) Chinese
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