Bohemond III of Antioch
  • 1. What was Bohemond III of Antioch's full title?
A) King of Antioch
B) Emperor of Antioch
C) Prince of Antioch
D) Duke of Antioch
  • 2. In which century did Bohemond III of Antioch live?
A) 12th century
B) 14th century
C) 10th century
D) 16th century
  • 3. Who was Bohemond III's father?
A) Godfrey of Bouillon
B) Roger II of Sicily
C) Richard the Lionheart
D) Bohemond II of Antioch
  • 4. Bohemond III of Antioch ruled over a principality in what is now modern-day?
A) Italy
B) Spain
C) France
D) Turkey
  • 5. Which European kingdom was Antioch associated with during Bohemond III's reign?
A) Kingdom of Poland
B) Kingdom of Sweden
C) Kingdom of Jerusalem
D) Kingdom of England
  • 6. Bohemond III of Antioch was involved in the Battle of?
A) Trafalgar
B) Agincourt
C) Waterloo
D) Hattin
  • 7. Which other title did Bohemond III hold besides Prince of Antioch?
A) Baron of Beirut
B) Emir of Tyre
C) Duke of Edessa
D) Count of Tripoli
  • 8. Bohemond III of Antioch was succeeded by his?
A) son
B) daughter
C) brother
D) father
  • 9. Which city served as the capital of Bohemond III's principality?
A) Baghdad
B) Antioch
C) Alexandria
D) Jerusalem
  • 10. Who was Bohemond III's famous ancestor known for leading the First Crusade?
A) Bohemond I of Antioch
B) Godfrey of Bouillon
C) Richard the Lionheart
D) Louis IX of France
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