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Contributed by: Howes
  • 1. Who is credited with building the first successful airplane?
A) Charles Lindbergh
B) Amelia Earhart
C) The Wright Brothers
D) Leonardo da Vinci
  • 2. Which part of an airplane is responsible for creating lift?
A) Wings
B) Engines
C) Cockpit
D) Tail
  • 3. What does FAA stand for in relation to airplanes?
A) Flight Attendant Academy
B) Aviation Authority of America
C) Federal Aviation Administration
D) Flying Aircraft Association
  • 4. The four main forces acting on an airplane in flight are lift, weight, thrust, and:
A) Pitch
B) Speed
C) Gravity
D) Drag
  • 5. What is the term for the retractable wheels of an airplane?
A) Landing Gear
B) Air Brakes
C) Tailhook
D) Flaps
  • 6. Which aviation pioneer completed the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean?
A) Amelia Earhart
B) Charles Lindbergh
C) Howard Hughes
D) Neil Armstrong
  • 7. What is the name of the imaginary line that runs parallel to the wings of an airplane?
A) Chord line
B) Aileron line
C) Strut line
D) Keel line
  • 8. What is the purpose of flaps on an airplane's wings?
A) To increase lift and drag during takeoff and landing
B) To reduce engine noise
C) To provide stability in flight
D) To control side-to-side movement
  • 9. What does ILS stand for in aviation?
A) International Landing Service
B) Intercepted Landing Sequence
C) Instrument Landing System
D) In-flight Lighting System
  • 10. Which type of engine is commonly used in most modern commercial airplanes?
A) Piston
B) Ramjet
C) Turboprop
D) Turbofan
  • 11. What is the purpose of the horizontal stabilizer on an airplane?
A) To control roll
B) To control yaw
C) To increase lift
D) To maintain stability in pitch
  • 12. Which of the following is a common type of commercial airplane used for short-haul flights?
A) Embraer E-Jets
B) Boeing 787
C) Boeing 737
D) Airbus A380
  • 13. Which of the following instruments measures an airplane's altitude above sea level?
A) Magnetic Compass
B) Attitude Indicator
C) Altimeter
D) Vertical Speed Indicator
  • 14. What is the minimum number of engines required for an airplane to be classified as a 'twin-engine' aircraft?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 3
  • 15. Which part of an airplane controls the pitch or up-and-down motion of the aircraft?
A) Aileron
B) Flap
C) Rudder
D) Elevator
  • 16. What do you call the path an airplane follows when moving through the air?
A) Runway
B) Flight Path
C) Course
D) Airway
  • 17. What is the primary purpose of an airplane's pitot tube?
A) To communicate with air traffic control
B) To provide supplemental oxygen
C) To measure airspeed
D) To help in navigation
  • 18. What is the function of a spoiler on an airplane?
A) To provide additional lift
B) To enhance stability
C) To increase engine thrust
D) To reduce lift and increase drag
  • 19. What is the name of the device that allows the pilot to control the direction of an airplane along its lateral axis?
A) Flap
B) Aileron
C) Rudder
D) Elevator
  • 20. What does VFR stand for in aviation?
A) Very Fast Rotation
B) Vertical Flight Regulation
C) Velocity for Takeoff
D) Visual Flight Rules
  • 21. What is the equivalent of the 'gas pedal' in a car in an airplane?
A) Aileron
B) Elevator
C) Throttle
D) Rudder
  • 22. What is the name of the small, hinged sections on the trailing edge of an airplane's wing that can be raised or lowered to assist in controlling the aircraft?
A) Slats
B) Flaps
C) Spoilers
D) Trim tabs
  • 23. Which part of the airplane is used for storing luggage and cargo?
A) Cabin
B) Fuselage
C) Cargo hold
D) Cockpit
  • 24. What is the angle between the chord line of an aircraft's wing and the relative wind called?
A) Bank angle
B) Pitch angle
C) Angle of attack
D) Roll angle
  • 25. Which device on an airplane allows it to communicate with air traffic control and other aircraft?
B) Radio
C) Transponder
D) Radar
  • 26. In which stage of flight do airplanes typically reach their maximum speed?
A) Cruise
B) Takeoff
C) Landing
D) Descent
  • 27. Which part of an airplane's engine is responsible for compressing incoming air and mixing it with fuel?
A) Ignition system
B) Fuel pump
C) Compressor
D) Exhaust system
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