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Baffling Biblical Contradictions
Contributed by: Squires
  • 1. Baffling Biblical Contradictions refer to the inconsistencies or discrepancies found within the texts of the holy scriptures of the Bible, which have puzzled scholars and believers for centuries. These contradictions can range from contradictory accounts of the same events in different books, to conflicting teachings on moral issues or theological concepts. Despite these inconsistencies, many theologians and believers interpret these contradictions as opportunities for deeper study and reflection, viewing them as a testament to the complexity and richness of the biblical texts.

    What day did God create vegetation according to Genesis 1?
A) Day 7
B) Day 5
C) Day 3
D) Day 6
  • 2. How many generations were there from Abraham to David according to Matthew 1:17?
A) Fourteen
B) Ten
C) Five
D) Twenty
  • 3. What did the serpent say to Eve in the Garden of Eden according to Genesis 3:4?
A) Be fruitful and multiply
B) Obey God's command
C) You will not surely die
D) Eat from the tree of life
  • 4. How many days did Jonah spend in the belly of the fish according to Jonah 1:17?
A) Three
B) Seven
C) One
D) Ten
  • 5. Who killed Goliath according to the Bible?
A) Saul
B) Jonathan
C) Samson
D) David
  • 6. What was the name of Abraham's wife according to the Bible?
A) Leah
B) Rebekah
C) Hagar
D) Sarah
  • 7. What was the sign of God's promise to Noah that He would never again destroy the earth by a flood according to Genesis 9:13?
A) Hail
B) Thunderstorm
C) Whirlwind
D) Rainbow
  • 8. Who denied Jesus three times according to the New Testament?
A) John
B) Peter
C) James
D) Judas
  • 9. How many brothers did Joseph, the son of Jacob, have?
A) Eleven
B) Nine
C) Ten
D) Thirteen
  • 10. Who turned into a pillar of salt in Genesis 19:26?
A) Eve
B) Lot's wife
C) Rebekah
D) Sarah
  • 11. What did Moses strike with his staff to produce water according to Exodus 17:6?
A) The tree
B) The rock
C) The river
D) The ground
  • 12. How many plagues were sent upon Egypt according to the book of Exodus?
A) Fifteen
B) Five
C) Twenty
D) Ten
  • 13. Who wrote the most books in the New Testament?
A) John
B) Paul
C) Peter
D) James
  • 14. Which son did Abraham almost sacrifice as a burnt offering?
A) Lot
B) Ishmael
C) Jacob
D) Isaac
  • 15. Who tried to curse the Israelites but ended up blessing them according to the Old Testament?
A) Jezebel
B) Pharaoh
C) Saul
D) Balaam
  • 16. Who was swallowed by a great fish according to the Old Testament?
A) Daniel
B) Abraham
C) Moses
D) Jonah
  • 17. Who was the father of King Saul?
A) Jesse
B) Saul
C) Elimelech
D) Kish
  • 18. Which angel announced the birth of Jesus to Mary?
A) Michael
B) Raphael
C) Uriel
D) Gabriel
  • 19. Who was the oldest man in the Bible?
A) Methuselah
B) Noah
C) Abraham
D) Moses
  • 20. At what event was there confusion of languages according to the Bible?
A) Jericho's fall
B) Babylonian Captivity
C) Tower of Babel
D) Feeding of the 5000
  • 21. In the book of Revelation, which city was cast down from heaven by God?
A) Jerusalem
B) Babylon
C) Nineveh
D) Sodom
  • 22. Who was Jacob's favorite son, known for his coat of many colors?
A) Joseph
B) Reuben
C) Benjamin
D) Judah
  • 23. Who betrayed Samson to the Philistines?
A) Sarah
B) Jezebel
C) Eve
D) Delilah
  • 24. What language was the New Testament originally written in?
A) Aramaic
B) Greek
C) Latin
D) Hebrew
  • 25. Who was the father of John the Baptist?
A) Zechariah
B) Simeon
C) Zacharias
D) Joseph
  • 26. What was the name of Jesus' mother?
A) Elizabeth
B) Sarah
C) Mary
D) Rebecca
  • 27. How many days and nights did it rain during the Great Flood?
A) 20 days and 20 nights
B) 40 days and 40 nights
C) 30 days and 30 nights
D) 50 days and 50 nights
  • 28. What animal spoke to Balaam in the Old Testament?
A) Sheep
B) Cow
C) Goat
D) Donkey
  • 29. What did the Israelites build to worship while Moses was on Mount Sinai?
A) Golden ark
B) Golden chariot
C) Golden calf
D) Golden statue
  • 30. Who was the father of Methuselah, the longest-lived person in the Bible?
A) David
B) Enoch
C) Abraham
D) Adam
  • 31. How many days was Jesus tempted in the wilderness by Satan?
A) 50 days
B) 20 days
C) 30 days
D) 40 days
  • 32. Who was known as the strongest man mentioned in the Bible?
A) Saul
B) Goliath
C) Samson
D) David
  • 33. Which book comes first in the New Testament?
A) Matthew
B) Luke
C) John
D) Mark
  • 34. Who was the first martyr in the Bible?
A) Stephen
B) Paul
C) Peter
D) Joseph
  • 35. Who said, 'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God'?
A) David
B) Isaiah
C) Moses
D) Jesus
  • 36. What was the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments?
A) Mount Sinai
B) Mount Moriah
C) Mount Zion
D) Mount Ararat
  • 37. Which prophet was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind?
A) Elisha
B) Jeremiah
C) Elijah
D) Isaiah
  • 38. Who was thrown into the den of lions but survived unharmed?
A) Daniel
B) Joseph
C) Jonah
D) Ezekiel
  • 39. What was the name of the city where the apostle Paul was born?
A) Tarsus
B) Jerusalem
C) Nazareth
D) Bethlehem
  • 40. According to the Bible, where did Judas Iscariot die?
A) He drowned in a river
B) He hanged himself
C) He was stoned to death
D) He was struck by lightning
  • 41. Who put on the robe and crown of thorns to mock Jesus before his crucifixion?
A) Pontius Pilate
B) The soldiers
C) Herod Antipas
D) The chief priests
  • 42. Which city was Jonah headed to when he was swallowed by the big fish?
A) Nineveh
B) Babylon
C) Nazareth
D) Jerusalem
  • 43. Where was Jesus born according to the Bible?
A) Capernaum
B) Nazareth
C) Bethlehem
D) Jerusalem
  • 44. In the Book of Genesis, who wrestled with an angel all night and had his name changed to Israel?
A) Isaac
B) Joseph
C) Jacob
D) David
  • 45. What was the name of the giant that David defeated with a sling and a stone?
A) Jared
B) Goliath
C) Saul
D) Uriah
  • 46. How many sons did Jacob (Israel) have?
A) 12
B) 8
C) 14
D) 10
  • 47. Which disciple of Jesus was also known as Didymus, meaning 'the twin'?
A) Thomas
B) James
C) Philip
D) John
  • 48. What was the name of the high priest who tore his robes in response to Jesus' statement during his trial?
A) Simeon
B) Annas
C) Gamaliel
D) Caiaphas
  • 49. Who was the Jewish queen who saved her people from destruction by bravely approaching the king uninvited?
A) Sarah
B) Ruth
C) Esther
D) Hannah
  • 50. Which king in the Bible was known for his wisdom and building the temple in Jerusalem?
A) David
B) Joash
C) Solomon
D) Hezekiah
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