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Aztec Teotihaucan conquered by Cortes
Contributed by: Simmons
  • 1. In what year did Hernan Cortes first encounter the Aztec Empire?
A) 1540
B) 1492
C) 1519
D) 1521
  • 2. Which powerful city did Cortes and his forces conquer that marked the fall of the Aztec Empire?
A) Cusco
B) Tikal
C) Teotihuacan
D) Tenochtitlan
  • 3. What was the name of the Aztec ruler at the time of Cortes' conquest?
A) Cuauhtemoc
B) Montezuma I
C) Moctezuma II
D) Atahualpa
  • 4. Which native allies of Cortes played a significant role in the conquest of the Aztecs?
A) Inca
B) Chichimecas
C) Tlaxcalans
D) Mayans
  • 5. What disease introduced by the Spanish greatly weakened the Aztec population during the conquest?
A) Cholera
B) Measles
C) Typhoid
D) Smallpox
  • 6. Which European civilization was responsible for the fall of the Aztec Empire?
A) English
B) Portuguese
C) French
D) Spanish
  • 7. Which explorer first discovered the mainland of the Americas in 1497?
A) Vasco da Gama
B) John Cabot
C) Ferdinand Magellan
D) Amerigo Vespucci
  • 8. What ancient city in central Mexico is known for its massive pyramids and was a major site of pilgrimage for the Aztecs?
A) Teotihuacan
B) Monte Alban
C) Palenque
D) Chichen Itza
  • 9. What was the ceremonial complex at the heart of Tenochtitlan called?
A) Great Ball Court
B) Templo Mayor
C) El Castillo
D) Pyramid of the Sun
  • 10. What was the official language of the Aztec Empire?
A) Nahuatl
B) Inca
C) Quechua
D) Mayan
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