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Caesar becomes dictator of Rome
Contributed by: Barrett
  • 1. Who led the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar?
A) Antony and Octavian
B) Brutus and Cassius
C) Pompey and Crassus
D) Cicero and Cato
  • 2. Who declared Caesar dictator for life?
A) The Army
B) The Equestrians
C) The Plebeians
D) The Senate
  • 3. In what year was Caesar appointed dictator for the first time?
A) 30 BC
B) 55 BC
C) 44 BC
D) 49 BC
  • 4. What ultimately led to the downfall of Caesar's dictatorship?
A) His assassination
B) A popular uprising
C) A military defeat
D) A natural disaster
  • 5. What title did Caesar hold before becoming dictator?
A) Consul
B) Praetor
C) Emperor
D) Pontifex Maximus
  • 6. Who was Caesar's ally and eventual rival in the First Triumvirate?
A) Cato
B) Pompey
C) Cicero
D) Crassus
  • 7. What did Caesar name his grandnephew and heir?
A) Mark Antony
B) Octavian
C) Cassius
D) Brutus
  • 8. Who warned Caesar to 'Beware the Ides of March'?
A) Cicero
B) Soothsayer
C) Brutus
D) Cassius
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