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Contributed by: Newman
  • 1. What is the scientific name of the douc langur?
A) Cercopithecus
B) Macaca fuscata
C) Pygathrix nemaeus
D) Pan troglodytes
  • 2. Which continent is the douc native to?
A) Asia
B) Africa
C) Australia
D) Europe
  • 3. What is the primary diet of the douc langur?
A) Fruits
B) Meat
C) Leaves
D) Insects
  • 4. How many species of douc langur are recognized?
A) Ten
B) Three
C) One
D) Five
  • 5. How do douc langurs communicate with each other?
A) Telepathy
B) Body language
C) Sign language
D) Vocalizations
  • 6. Which sense is highly developed in douc langurs?
A) Sight
B) Hearing
C) Smell
D) Taste
  • 7. Where do douc langurs usually sleep at night?
A) Burrows
B) Trees
C) Ground
D) Caves
  • 8. What is the conservation status of douc langurs?
A) Critically Endangered
B) Least Concern
C) Vulnerable
D) Endangered
  • 9. What is the process called when douc langurs digest their food in their stomachs and later re-chew it to extract more nutrients?
A) Regurgitation
B) Rumination
C) Defecation
D) Assimilation
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